Chapter 29

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Taehyung sadly sighed before covering his face with both of his palms... The pre-teen came closer to him and gave a reassuring squeeze to his shoulder "don't be upset uncle i will convince him but before that you have to tell me the truth" Taehyung confusingly tilted his head with an adorable pout on his face "what is it baby?" Jiwon sighed and sat next to him "First I know you aren't feeling sick but it's because of Hobi uncle but when you said that you forgive him then why are you still mad at him? Don't you think it's a little hypocritical behaviour?"

Taehyung blinked, taken aback by Jiwon's perceptiveness. He hadn't expected such insight from the young girl, but it was clear that Jiwon was wise beyond her years... He sighed, lowering his hands from his face to meet Jiwon's earnest gaze... "You're right, Jiwon... It's not fair for me to say I forgive him and still harbour resentment... I guess... feelings aren't always easy to control, even when we want them to be..." Jiwon nodded, her expression understanding... "But you still love him, right?"

Taehyung smiled softly... "Of course, I do... Love doesn't just disappear, even when we're upset with someone..." Jiwon nodded again, as if satisfied with the response... "Then, why not try talking to him? Maybe it'll help you both feel better... Like, tell him how you feel about it... It's okay to let out your anger and frustration... When you know, he didn't cheated on you with my Appa... it's better to take out other remaining stuff before it's too late"

Taehyung smiled before pulling her to his lap "Aren't you a little too smart for your age?" The pre-teen shrugged before filling her hair "What can I say... I was born smart... But don't change the topic and go talk to him..." Saying that she kissed the raven haired male's cheek and ran to her Appa's room to see what her baby brat is doing

Taehyung watched Jiwon's retreating figure, a mixture of pride and gratitude swelling in his heart... He marvelled at her maturity, her ability to offer wisdom beyond her years... It was moments like these that reminded him of the profound impact children could have on adults, teaching them valuable lessons about love, forgiveness, and resilience...

Taking a deep breath, the raven haired male resolved to follow Jiwon's advice... He knew that holding onto resentment would only poison their relationship further... It was time to have an honest conversation with Hoseok, to lay bare his feelings and confront the lingering doubts that clouded their bond...

With newfound determination, Taehyung rose from the floor, his steps purposeful as he made his way to their bedroom... He found the older male sitting by the window, the soft glow of twilight casting a gentle warmth upon his features...

"Seok..." Taehyung began, his voice steady yet tinged with vulnerability.. "Can we talk?" Hoseok turned to him, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity... "Of course... What's on your mind?"

"I... I want to forget the past but it's not that easy for me... Every time you come closer to me it only reminds me of the time you slut shamed me and accused our child of being a product of cheating... I want to forgive you but how can I forget all those times when I starved in between my shifts but never for once asked a penny from you only to be called a gold digger... I want to live with you but can I forget all those times you verbally torcher me wanting to see my dead face... Even if I forget everything else how am I supposed to forget my child's death Hoseok? The child that was inside me... How can I forget the way you let my child die to save someone else? Please help me Seok... Help me find a way to forgive you because i don't want to die holding onto the past... Please help me" Taehyung fell on his knees while crying hard... He wants to start a new life with his few found family but even after trying for the millionth time he just can't forget all his sufferings like that

Hoseok's expression shifted from surprise to a deep sorrow as Taehyung poured out his heart, each word heavy with the weight of years of pain and resentment... His eyes filled with tears, reflecting the anguish that echoed in his husband's voice...

"Tae..." Hoseok's voice cracked with emotion, his heart breaking at the raw vulnerability laid bare before him.... He moved to kneel beside the younger male, his hand reaching out to gently cradle his face.

"I am so sorry" Hoseok whispered, his voice trembling with remorse... Tears streamed down the cheeks, mingling with Taehyung's own, as the weight of their shared pain hung heavy in the air... In that moment, they were not just husband and husband, but two souls bound by the intricacies of love and loss... "I don't have any excuses, Love..." Hoseok continued, his voice filled with a desperate plea for forgiveness... "I can't undo the past, but I can promise you this... I will spend every moment of my life trying to make amends, to earn back the trust and love that I so callously shattered..."

Taehyung hugged his husband as tightly as he could while crying his heart out "My son Seok" the older male tightened his hold around the crying beauty in his arms while letting his silent tears flow... After the younger male was calm a bit he gently stroked his hair"My little tiger~.... Please if not for anyone at least for Yeonjun please agree for your treatment... I beg you " Hoseok begged but to his surprise he didn't get any response thinking about the younger male must have slept being tired of all these crying he pulled away from the hug but his eyes widened seeing blood coming out of his mouth

"JIMIN" He yelled and the said male came running "Wh- Oh my god" he gasped and pulled out his phone shooting a quick text to someone... "Let's take him to the hospital" Hoseok nodded and pulled his husband up in bridal style... Jimin followed them behind and picked the car keys on his... "Woonie... baby get your brother..." the pre-teen nodded and went to get the sleepy Yeonjun in her arms... Jimin settled into the driving seat and started the engine... After a few minutes, Hoseok asked "Hey, where are we going? this is not the way to the hospital"

*No Proofread*

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