Chap .1

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Aisha's POV

"Mwommy Mwommy" Heaven said running to me.

"Yes baby" I said sitting her on my lap.

"Grandwma taid we can go two disnei land.

"She said that"?

"Ya and she taid you can go two".

"Okay how about we go tomorrow".

" Rweally Yaaahh I luh you mwommy". Heaven said getting off my lap.

I had school in an hour and Heaven was going over her godmothers house so I went to go take me a shower.

I got out the shower feeling clean and refreshed I then decided on what I should where and I chose my black crop top that said #bitchez on it with my cut up highwaisted shorts my black and white Jordan 12s and my white beanie that said #boss bitch on it.

After I was dressed I lotioned up put on my gold Rolex watch and my gold chain with my gold earrings Heaven got me for mothers day. I looked in the mirror and to be a mother I was fiinnne. I locked my phone and I had 20 minutes left so I grabbed my black MK purse and headed downstairs.

"Come on Heaven your going over Auntie Laila house".

"Otay mwommy give me uh 2 minute". Heaven said holding up 2 fingers.

" what you need two minutes for little girl.?

"Uh I got to get my coloring books duh"

"Don't get smart little girl I will smack you upside your head"

"Sowwy mwommy I'm done".

I grabbed Heaven's hand and her book bag. I buckled her In her car seat and made my way to my car door I got in and drove off to Laila's house who was only a couple blocks from where I live.

We arrived there in 5 minutes. I got Heaven out the car. And picked her up.

*knock knock*.

"Hey bestfran hey heaven".

"Hey Laila but where is my son at".

"Girl he upstairs doing something he not suppose to".

"Girl bye my son to good for that anyway I should be going give mommy a kiss".

Heaven leaned over and gave me a smooch on the cheek.

"Bye y'all" I said walking out.

"Bye mwommy" Heaven said waving at me.

*skips to after college".

So I'm done all my classes and I'm ready to go home to my little princess. I drove to laila's house and got there in 8 minutes.

*knock knock*

"Waddup girl".

"Waddup Laila where my daughter at". I said going inside.

"She sleep upstairs".

I went upstairs and saw Heaven knocked out on the bed I picked her up bridal style , grabbed he bookbag and made my way downstairs.

"Ard Laila and thank you for watching Heaven for me".

"Anytime girl you know I love her".

I put Heaven in her car seat and then got in my car. We arrived home and Heaven was still sleep so I picked her up. And put her in her bed "goodnight little girl" I said kissing her on her forehead.

I was hungry so I made me some chicken noodles with some hot sauce.

*Next day*

I woke up happy I didn't have school today and 2 weeks from now I'm graduating from college yaaaah. I got up did my hygiene then wrapped a robe around me. I decided to not put my clothes on until I'm done giving Heaven a bath. I walked in heaven's room and saw her watching spongebob. "Hey stanky butt". I said sitting next her."hey mwommy what you doing in here". "Oh I guess you don't wanna tame a bath so you could go to Disney land". "No mwommy I do". "Okay come on then.

I ran her some bath water then put her favorite princess tiana bubble bath in to it. I then washed her up with her princess Anna bodywash. Then dried her off with her princess belle tail. Let's just say my little princess likes princesses. Once I was done I sat her on the bed and got started with her hair "okay heaven how you want your hair". "Suprwise me mwommy". I then got started with her hair I put her hair in a neat bun then brushed her baby hair. I then went to her closet and picked out her pink skater skirt with a black tank top and her cut up jean vest and pink sandals. "Go put that on while I go get dress."otay mwommy".

I walked out of her room and into mines I then remembered that me and her had the same outfit so I got the same thing out but instead of a jean vest I got a Jean jacket. I got done dressing under 10 minutes I put on some Victoria secret perfume and some baby lip gloss with some mascara and eyeliner. While I was making up my bed. Heaven came in and jumped on it.

"Heaven if you don't get your big tail off my bed". "Sworry mwommy ooh mwommy you ma twin" I just giggled after she said that and continued to make up my bed. While I was done I texted my mother and told her we was on our way she texted back instantly telling me she will be waiting I grabbed my purse and iPhone and also grabbing Heaven's back pack. I strapped heaven in her car seat and then got in the driver side. It took me 30 minutes to get to my mothers house. I beeped the horn and she came out and got into the car."hi ma"I said kissing her cheek. " Hi big head, hi princess. My mother said giving heaven the nickname she always called her." Hi grandwma". Heaven said not looking up from her coloring book. We finally arrived at Disney land and heaven was excited I could tell cause she started jumping up and down in her car seat saying "we in Disney Lwand yahhh". "This girl" I said in my head I got out the car and my mother got out after me I then unbuckled Heaven's seatbelt and she got out running wild with me and my mother behind her. We payed for the tickets and then the fun began.

"Mwommy Mwommy can I get on that ride". Heaven said looking up at me. "Yes your grandma going to take you while I go to the bathroom."otay" she said running away with my mother holding onto her hand. While I was walking I got a text from Laila- saying "bitc'h need some dckkkk bad" with a pickle emoji- I texted back saying "lmao girl why you telling me!!!" With a kisses emoji. I sent it and saw that she texted back but before I could reply I bumped into somebody while dropping my phone in the process. "Sorry ma" I heard the voice say. Omg I recognize that voice could it be" "August!!" I said surprised. "Aisha omg Aisha" he said hugging me " I can't believe...." But before I could finish my sentence this girl came over with the most cutest little girls ever I know I recognize them omg they are August nieces they are so grown up. "Hey August who is this". I heard the girl say. "Hey I'm Aisha an old friend of August".

"I could've swore I was talking to August."The girl snapped back".

"Well bit.. Well I could've swore I was replying. This hoe got me f*cked up I would thrash her azz but August nieces right there so no. "Calm down Nia damn" August said talking to the girl. "Mwommy mwommy" I turned a around and heaven was running to me. "Hey baby I said kissing her cheek."how was the rollercoaster." It was fine we did this and that. "Thats nice but I want to introduce you to somebody honey this is August". "Mwommy is you taking bout the August you talks abwout". She said trying to whisper but I know they heard her. August got down to her level "what's your name little lady" August said. "My name is Heaven Amanda Alsina". Heaven replied with pride."Alsina you know we got the same last name". "Rwelly mwommy he got the same last name as me". August got up to and told me to follow him. I nodded my head telling him okay. "I got her" my mother said.


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