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4 years later -

"Ma I can't find my book bag" Heaven told me.

After fixing the twins some breakfast I was more than tired and ready for them to go to school.

"Baby girl its under your bed" She nodded walking away with curlers in her head.

My children were growing up very much. Heaven was 14 and the twins were 3. I just wished there daddy was here to see them. But things happens for reasons right.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma" I turned around and saw Adrian splashing his food around calling my name.

"Oh Adrian" I laughed. "Your hardheaded just like ya father" I sighed and cleaned up the twins.

After everybody was ready we left. I drove Heaven to school and took the twins to preschool.

I finally pulled up to my job which I own. I got my own boutique but I changed the name to remember my Children's father. It's called Alsina.

And was very popular if I do say so myself.

"Hey hun" Sean said waving.

"Hey" I said back.

Sean was like my gay best friend if you know what I mean. He helps me run the boutique I own and I wouldn't of chose anybody else.

"So how was ya date" I asked him.

He sighed. "Girl let me tell you this nigga had the nerve to ask me could we split the bill".

Me and him both laughed in sync. "Sean don't pay no bills when he on dates" he said moving his finger around.

I busted out laughing which made some of my sprite come out. "So did you" I asked trying to control my breathing.

"Hell no I told his ass I had ta piss and climbed out of the bathroom window". I wiped my eyes and started laughing again.

"See that's why Sean don't date. Being Single is life" .

"You damn right" I added in. Me and him clapped hands and started laughing.


It was time for me to pick the children so I said my goodbyes to Sean and left out.

I finally pulled to Heaven's school and she got inside. "So how was school ?". I asked ha.

"It was cool". She said putting her head on the window. I looked at her weirdly.

"What's wrong ?". I asked her.

She sighed "Saturday is the father and daughter dance and well I don't have a father".

I sighed things like this I hated. I told Heaven what happened to him that he was dead. Not that I know that was it for sure.

The police never found his body but it's been four years and we haven't heard from him so I had to tell my children something they would understand.

"Honey you know your uncle Travis could take you" I told her.

"But ma I want my father not my uncle its just.... never mind I'm not going". I nodded my head there was no need to be arguing with this little girl.

I pulled up to the twins daycare and got them. Then we drove home. This was like a pattern.

We would get up, get ready , I would drop them off, I then would go to work , I pick them up , then we would go home.

That was like a tradition ever since August been gone life has been boring for the most part. His fans has been skeptical of his missing.

They thought I had something to do with it when I didn't. Like 2 years ago they harassed me and my children and they would stand outside of my house holding signs.

I had to pop one of his fans because they hit Armani in ha head with a sign and that pissed me the fuck off so I kindly took it from her and smacked ha with it.

I just got a feeling that August is still out there. I don't know its just a feeling.

-Hey y'all Like this is a epilogue which means its the first part of the second book which is called Something About This August Alsina which will be published soon so be looking out for it thank you-.

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