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August POV

"Congratulations you having.... Wait I see another head"... The nurse said.

"Another head what the baby got 2 heads" I asked ha.

"No your having Twins.... & there both boy and girl".

"Oh my gosh really babey were having twins...". Aisha cried. "Oh my hormones are acting up". She said drying her face.

The nurse chuckled. "You guys are so adorable anyway your baby's is healthy and there doing great the due date is December 3rd". The nurse said.

She gave Aisha a paper towel and walked out. Aisha cleaned herself of and I helped her up.

"Guess you both won huh". Aisha said.

"I guess so..". I replied.


Once we got home Laila and Heaven was watching TV.  "Hey y'all". Aisha said.

"Hey " they both said at the same time.

"So what y'all having". Laila asked us.

"So you gonna tell ha". I asked aisha.

"No you can tell ha". She replied.

"Nah got head tell ha". I replied back.

"No August you tell ha".

"If one of y'all don't tell me". Laila said angrily.

"Aight... We having Twins". Me and Aisha both said at the same time.

"Twins... Mommy y'all got 2 kids in your belly". Heaven  asked us.

Aisha nodded and smiled. "What the genders". Laila asked us.

"Girl and boy... So it was a tye". I replied.

"Damn I was looking forward to that money". Laila said.

"If you was gonna get it". I mumbled.

"Oh I was gonna win trust and belie dat'. Laila fronted.

"No you wasn't".

"Yes I was".

"No you.....".

"Could y'all just shut up... Come on laila help me with dinner". Aisha interrupted then her and Aisha went into the kitchen. While Heaven and I went outback to play.

Aisha POV

"What's wrong you don't look to happy". Laila said.

"Nothing just tired that's all". I replied.

"Tired? Bull shit I know when something is wrong come on aisha tell me". Laila said.

I sighed "I don't think these are August babies". I said on the verge of tears.

"You Iont think they August babies Aisha who else you fucked besides August".

"Chase". I whispered.

"What". Laila said leaning in to hear me better.

"Chase". I said back a little louder.

"Chase? Oh my gosh Aisha when how did this happen I want everything".

"Okay it started......".

( 6 months earlier)

"Hey chase". I said leaning into his couch.

"Hey what's wrong". Chase said sitting next to me.

"Me and August got into a fight again I just I just.....". I said tearing up.

Chase rubbed my cheek ". Aisha what he is putting you threw is hell you need a man who need to be there for you make you feel special....". Chase told me.

"A man like who". I asked him.

"A man like me... Aisha I could give you your all treat you like the queen you is".

"Chase your really nice and sweet but I love August".

"And look where this love is bringing you to y'all is always arguing that's not healthy be with me Aisha I love you".

"This is to much". I got up to leave until he grabbed my arm and kissed me.

At first I didn't kiss back but I just did we started making out until I pulled away.

"We can't do this Chase". I said.

But he completly ignored me and kissed me back he slid his arms up my dress and slid it off.

Which made ma half naked he examined my body and that's when things started getting heated.


"Okay  I don't want all the details but really Aisha....".

"I know I am so disgusted with myself that's why I don't call him no more".

"So you gonna tell August". She asked me.

"I dont know he might be pissed which could end us and if I don't I would feel guilty".

"Well whatever you do make sure its the right choice". Laila said.


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