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*2 days later*

August POV

So Aisha and Heaven went out to enjoy sometime together. I haven't really got the chance to talk to Aisha yet because every time I tries to she changes the subject and I'm easily distracted.

It was only me and Nique home she just got in and I needed some lotion I forgot to purchase some more. So I knocked on Niques door and she didn't answer.

So she must be sleep so I just walked in and saw her wrapped up in a towel. "Oh I'm so sorry" I said getting ready to walk out.

"Wait August can you do me this favor" she said.

I walked in putting my hands over my eyes.

"Silly I have a towel on" she said while giggling.

She handed me her bra while I removed my hands from my eyes.

"Can you button this for me please".

"Iont think that's a good idea".

"Please auggie" she said giving me the puppy look.

I sighed "okay".

She put on the bra while I was button it I saw half of her ass hanging out. I couldn't help but look damn.

"August she said" I turned her around and kissed her Iont know why I guess I'm horny and I know this is wrong.

Surprisingly she kissed back. I layed her on the bed and unwrapped the towel from her which left her naked. I started kissing on her body while she moaned I slipped down my pants which left my d*ick freely I slowly slid inside of her while she arched her back.

Aisha POV

So me and heaven just got home I missed my daughter a lot and we had a wonderful time she really grew up. While we was walking inside the house.

I heard moaning what the f*uck I said in my head. "Heaven stay down here right quick". I walked upstairs.

Going to where the moaning was coming from. I walked past Niques door but I then backed up I looked inside and saw August and Nique f*ucking.

"Omfg" I said screaming

August turned around giving me guilty eyes. I ran downstairs and grabbed heaven slowly. "Come on let's go to your grandmother's house" I said wiping the tears.

"Mommy what's strong" Heaven asked me.

"Nothing I guess its allergies" I lied.

I got heaven inside the car . while I was walking to the drivers side august came out screaming my name.

I turned around angry. "What do you want August" I sadly said. "I'm sorry Aisha I really am I wasn't thinking I'm sorry" he said grabbing my hand.

I snatched my hand away fast. "How could you august I just came back in your life and you f*ucked your so called sister how does that sound I'm done august I am really done".

I got into the car and drove off.

Nique POV

I feel so hoey right na I really didn't mean for that to happen I don't have no feelings for august I guess it just escalated into something I ain't want it to. Im gonna apologize to Aisha I know she won't listen but I'm gonna make her listen.

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