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2 weeks later

Aisha POV

"Girl what's wrong wit chu". Laila asked me.

"What...Um nothing in just sleepy". I lied.

"Sleepy... Mmhmm is it August what he spending more time with his new boo Cashews..". She laughed.

"Its not August I mean maybe a little its just that he swore to me he ain't like her now they all buddy buddy look I know we ain't together but I still love him".

"Aisha you know what chu gotta do to get over this go get chu a man look he sexy ". She said pointing to a random dude.

"He Ard but he no August".

"Nope get cha ass up you fine asf if I wasn't a girl and your best friend I would've f*ucked you already". She laughed.

"Gay ass!".

"Nah never Gay I said if.. anyway look he looking at chu". I turned around and became face to face with a chocolate fine peice of specimen Lol. I almost melted.

"Go talk to him...". She pushed me and I practically fell on him.

"You okay ma". He said . OMG HIS VOICE!

"I'm fine thanks". I said nervously.

I turned around and saw Laila Cheesing like it's funny its not.

"So um what's ya name". Chocolate dude asked me.

"Aisha. What's yours".

"Markus. You real beautiful why ya face so low". He picked up my chin and we caught eyes.

"Um..". I laughed nervously. "Thanks".

"Yo welcome ma". He smiled them pearly whites


* 3 hours later *

I was at Markus house and it was the shidd. No we ain't doing anything were sitting by the fire cuddling. Tbh he a real cool dude and very sweet.

We learned everything about each other I learned he had a son about Heavens age and he learned that I had 4 kids   including August and Camilla baby at first he was surprised cause I looked really young but I fixed that.

"So. What you do for a living". He asked me .

"Well I work at a boutique but I'm planning on owning my own". Omg I never told anybody that I plan on opening my own instead of Laila.

"Foreal what chu plan on calling it". He said giving me his full attention.

"Honestly I think Aisha Lauren since that's my middle name".

"Aisha Lauren! Sounds fancy".

I laughed right with him. Until I got a phone call.





I'm on my way


"I'm sorry but I got to go".

He hugged me and I kissed him on his cheek we already exchanged numbers so that wasn't a problem.

He walked me to my car and I gave him another kiss on the cheek "call me". I said while getting into the car.

"Of course". He said back.

I finally pulled up to Laila house getting out. I made my way inside and saw Laila and Quin.

I picked up Quin and sat him on my lap. "Hey Lil boy". I laughed.

"I'm not little no more Aunt Aisha I'm a big boy look". He said showing me his muscle.

"Ooh you strong". I laughed.

"I know I know". He flexed. He then got up and left.

"What was the emergency". I asked Laila.

"Well there isn't I just wanted to see how was the sex". She asked.

"Sex? Laila we did not fuck". I said quietly.

"Mmhmm so what happened then cause you was at his house for a long time". She asked.

"Nothing we just talked".

"Talked! And he ain't try....".


"Not even....".


"Damn bruh real nice cause if I was a dude and I had a fine women km my house you think I wouldn't tap". She laughed.

"You would be a rude ass dude foreal". I laughed.

"No I would treat her right first by buying ha shit then im gonna hit and quit".


I stayed at laila house for a little while then went home to sleep.


Markus in MM

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