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August POV

Me and Aisha was driving while listening to music tbh. I was getting horny I don't know why buh I was. I looked ova at Aisha and she was sleeping damn she look so sexy she was sitting on that ass but I was still staring at those titties dooooooeee.

Antanique POV

Me and Rashad was cuddling up watching movies while he rubbed my feet. Yes my boyfriend name is rashad we been dating for 5 months he came to LA to chill wit me while he already had a basketball game here. I haven't told August about him yet because I don't know how he would act.

While I was enjoying the movie and eating my delicious popcorn. Something went inside me I jumped up on fright while Rashad pulled me back down he got between my legs pulling down my shorts then undies.

He started kissing my Clit making it wetter. He then started having his own make out session with it and that made the pleasure rise. I threw my hips up while my eyes rolled in the back of my head.

"Rashad" I moaned out.

He kept licking until I reached my orgasm. I finally came and he licked up all my juices. After I cleaned myself up we got back to our Netflix and chill.

Laila POV

Today was a free from Quin day I was at the froyo store getting my favorite banana swirl froyo when this fine ass dude and this ugly ass girl came in. Once he saw me looking he smirked and winked at me which made me melt.

I grabbed my froyo paid for it and while I was walking out I felt eyes on my ass so I gave it a little swirl while turning the corner before I could get to my car somebody called my name. I turned around to be face to face wit the fine looking dude.

"Hey ma I think you dropped this". He said handing me my businesses card.

"No that's for you call me" I said while getting in my car and driving off. Yeah even though I don't got a businesses when I see a fine boy and they see me. Giving them my number is to much work I rather just give them my card and be about my Business.


August think he slick he know damn sho' this his baby and ima make sho it is maybe its not because I slept wit my cousin babymoma brother aunt uncle I fagot his name Travis or something yeah I slept wit him too so it could be either of there's cause I'm hoping its August cause he got the money while Travis just got the d*ick and d*ick don't make happiness.

Aisha POV

Me and August was driving to Hollywood Elementry to sign Heaven up for pre-k I love my daughter so much but it would be a great thing for her to be gone for a couple of hours everyday five days a week.

While we was walking in the lady motioned for us to go in the principles office and that's what we did a little while later a lady that looked like the age of 30 came in.

Once she saw me she smiled but when she saw August she smiled Really big.

"Omg Omg August Alsina I'm a big fan could you could you sign this"

She pulled down half of her shirt so that half of her bra was showing. "Yah bra" he asked. She shook ha head yes while he shrugged and signed it. "Thank you Thank you and you must be August lovely girlfriend I swear you are so lucky to have this peice of fine specimen".

"Yes I'm pretty lucky" I said blushing. I am lucky aren't I. She then sat down and minutes later she finally calmed down.

"So what brings y'all to my school". She asked.

"Um we wanted to sign our daughter up for the year of 2015".

"Daughter?" She asked surprised.

"Yes daugther but don't tell nobody I don't want the world  to know just yet". August told her calmly

"Your secrets safe wit me all I need is you guys sign these and were good to go.

After signing them papers we left I just can't believe my daughters going to school in 2 weeks. My little babie.

Everybody POV this Chapter.

Nique sex scene gave me life foreal....

Nique in mm. She cute doe ain't she. You know she is so just admit it

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