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*2 months later*

Aisha POV

August has really been distant for the past month I don't know what's wrong with him he been crying lately to and when I ask him what's wrong he ignores me.

I am dropping Heaven off at mama Sheila's now maybe she could tell me what's wrong. After pulling up we got out the car and got greeted by mama.

"Hey Sweethearts". Mama Sheila said hugging me and heaven.

"Hey". We both said uneasy.

"Come in". Mama said motioning us in.

Heaven went to go play with her cousins while me and mama talked.

"How are you doing". Mama said sipping her drink.

"I'm fine mama I'm just worried about august he been different lately". I said sadly.

"Chile... Around this time he is always different just show him love that's all just wait until two months he will be aight he just mourning the lost of his brother".

"Oh my gosh the death of Melvin".

*2 hours later*.

Heaven stayed over mama house. When I walked in it smelled like weed and liquor.

I put my bag and keys on the table and jogged into the living room I saw august smoking a blunt while sipping on a whole bottle of ciroc.

I walked over to him and sat down next to him I took the blunt from him and took one swig holding it in then blowing it out while August just stared at me I never smoked before and this is the first time he saw me smoke.

"I might need this". I said breaking the silence.

I put down the blunt into the ashtray and looked at August.

"August you know I love you right".

He just shook his head.

"And you know your family loves you".

He shook his head again.

"Your brother death isn't your fault god did this for a reason if your brother was alive do you think you would be where you are now you started following your dreams because you knew ya mother didn't wanna lose two sons because of slanging so you did something better. Mel is looking down on you and he is happy of what you become trust me i miss him to he was like a brother to me and your family misses him but that doesnt give you a reason to block us out tell me what's wrong let it out its okay for men to cry August I love you just tell me what's wrong."

A tear rolled down his cheek.

"Aisha why did he have to go he had so much to live for he had 3 little girls to take care of he shouldn't of died it was just to early why did he leave". August said then he hugged me while I rubbed his back.

"Let it out August". He just cried into my chest.

"I love you Aisha". He said.

"I love you to August". He hugged me tighter and let go.

"I be right back". He said then got up and left before I could say anything.

What in the living hell.

baby daddy(August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now