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August POV

Y'all remember when I got that call from Camilla she told me she was pregnant I ain't believe her at first but then I'm like it could be possible that its mines. So we took a maternity test and in my hand I have the papers.

No I haven't told Aisha yet but I know if this baby is mines I gotta tell ha. I hesitantly opened the papers.

It read. August Alsina is 100.2% the father of 2 month old Shamar Alsina.

I tucked the papers in my pocket and rubbed my hands down my face "he's my child".

Aisha POV

So today I'm meeting up with Chase just so we could get this clear.

"Hey why you been ignoring my calls". Chase said while I sat down.

" I been busy sorry". I said.

"Are you pregnant". He asked me.

"Exactly yeah that's why I need to talk to you I think these babies are yours".

"Mines? And Babies? I'm confused Aisha what are you saying ".

"I'm saying that we had sex 6 months ago right and I also had sex with august a week after and these babies are five months so either you and August are the fathers".

He stayed silent for a little bit I know he is trying to sink what I just said in.

"..... Um If there mine what will you tell August...". He asked.

"...um the truth".

"And if there aren't".

"Then I'm cutting you off having sex with you was the worst mistake of my life trust me the sex was good but it wasn't no August good Chase it was accident,". I said.

"Damn.. Hmm its like that Aisha". He said crossing his arms.

"Yeah it's like that". I grabbed my purse and walked out. I don't got time for this shit.

I knew I didnt wanna go straight home so I decided to sit in the park while I was sitting on the bench I saw a young couple about 16 years old all boo loved.

It reminded me of me and August. Shit I really fucked up he been nothing but loyal to me and I to around and fuck up we engaged I might as well tell him and call off the wedding I know if I marry him and he finds out the truth I might as well be dead.

Love is Difficult............

(Dadada I'm loving in)

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baby daddy(August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now