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Laila POV

"Micheal done stop". I moaned out.

"Yessss". I screamed.

Micheal is my boss yeah he is married but I just cant get enough of his chocolately ass he just so damn fine.

Yeah I know y'all like she a hoe she a home wrecker blah blah blah but him and his wife been having trouble with there marriage from day one I'm just giving him a stress realiver.

After we was done I put on my clothes. "Look Micheal I'm not gonna keep doing this if you don't promise me you will leave your wife".

He pulled me onto his lap and kissed my temple "look baby girl you know I can't leave ha right now but when the time is right you gonna be my women".

"You promise". I asked him.

"Yeah I promise". I smiled. Then a call came and he put it on speaker. "Mr. King your Wife is in". His assistant said.

"Okay send ha in". And with that he hung up. I sighed "Bye". And I walked away. "Wait I can't get no kiss". He asked.

"Your wife on ha way in ask her for a kiss". And then I walked out.

While I was walking I bumped into his wife. She looked at me and gave me that I know you bitch look.

"Oh you must be my husbands hoe". She said mugging me.

"Hoe ? No is it Mrs. King yeah Mrs. King I'm not your husbands hoe I'm more like his how can I put this in your bougie language -FUCK BUDDIE- .

She gave me that stank look. "Did he tell you he was gonna leave me". She asked me.

"Yes he did problem and when he do we will be together". I said with confidence.

She laughed "honey let me fill you in he's not gonna leave me because he know what the outcome is . You think your his only hoe please I can count on all my 10 fingers of how many other girls let me put this in your thot language -FUCK-  yeah that's right your not the only and not the only one he told this too have a nice day". And with that she walked away.

That really stung me "rude bitch" I mumbled.

Aisha POV

"Mommy why are you crying". Heaven asked me.

"No sweetie I'm not crying I just have something in my eye ". "You want something to eat". I asked completely changing the subject.

"Pancakes please". She said. I shook my head and started getting stuff ready to make her pancakes.

"Mommy where is Daddy". She asked me. I was afraid of this answer because just how she didn't know where he was I didn't know either.

But before I could answer August came in . "Hey princess". He said kissing Heavens cheek. I could tell by how he looked he was drunk.

"Hey daddy ewww you stink". She giggled.

He looked at me and walked upstairs. "I be right back". I told heaven and I followed August upstairs.

"August where have you been". I asked him.

But he completely ignored me. "August I know your ass hear me where have you been". I yelled a little more louder. "Out". He replied.

"Out where August... You had me Worried you had all of us worried you know how many people I called looking for you and every single person answer was that they haven't seen you". I teared.

"Look Aisha I'm grown".

"Your grown August really you make me sick". I said pushing him.

He turned around and slapped me. I was in complete shock and tears poured out my eyes. "Daddy No". Heaven screamed and she ran to me crying.

I took heavens hand " look heaven go pack all your things were gonna stay with Auntie laila for a while okay". She shook her head and walked out.

I got my suitcase and started throwing things in it. "Look Aisha I aint mean to aight it was a reflex". August murmured.

But ignored him. "Aisha you dont need to leave just stay here you and heaven".

"August No I'm sick and tired of being Sick and tired just face it we aren't meant for each other we just keep arguing I'm done for good now I really am". I took off my ring and put it in his hand. "Goodbye August"....


*Next Day*.

August POV

I woke up and everything that happened yesterday came to mind. Shit I really fucked up I didn't mean it I was drunk.

I got up and got into the shower after the shower I drove down to the studio just to get my mind off things.

"What's up". Chris said dapping me up.

"Nun". I replied.

"Nah bruh you got that sad look what happened". He asked.

"Me and Aisha broke up". I pulled the engagement ring out of my pocket and started playing with it.

"Well its ya lucky day cause you get to tell me about all y'all problems".

I started telling him about what went down when I got Camilla pregnant to last night". And he looked shocked.

"Word bruh that's what happened". He asked.

"That's what happened".

Then he started giving me life lessons and shit foreal they was real helpful I ain't know he know he was smart.

After about I while I decided to call Aisha and she sent me to voicemail. I left about 30 voice mails and 40 texts. But still aint get a reply. Damn I really fucked up.



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