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Aisha POV

So chase called me and he wanted to go to lunch so I'm getting ready now. August is better because of our talk.

"Where you going". August asked me.

"Out with a friend". I replied not looking at him.

"With who". He asked again.

"His name is chase".

"Tf you going out with another a man for and you ain't even ask me".

I snapped my head towards him fast. "August I'm fucking grown if you ain't know Iont need permission to go anywhere".

"Oh since its cool to fuck around and go out wit friends I got chu". He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

A little while later he put his phone down and grabbed his jacket.

"Where you going August". I asked.

"Out with a friend". And then he left.

I sighed in frustration.


After about a while it pulled up to Mahogany Seafood palace. I got out and fixed my dress.

I finally spotted chase and walked over to him. "Hey Chase" I said hugging him.

"Hey". He said back.

I sat down across from him. "So how you been you look down". Chase said.

"I've been good I think I'm sick I've been throwing up lately but either then that I've been good". I said putting on a fake smile.

"Nah its something else you look agitated".

I looked at him. "Well I got into a fight with my boyfriend about dumb shit".

"What happened". He said giving me his full attention.

"Long story short he got angry because I told him I was going out with you and he asked me did I ask for permission when I'm a grown ass lady Iont need permission from nobody and he called somebody up and left".

"Damn ma that's cold". Chase said shaking his head.


*After lunch*.

"Thanks Again for listening to my problems".

"It good I'm like a counselor or some shit". We both started laughing then we got closer. I pulled away fast.

"I am so sorry I aint mean fo......".

"It's all good it was my fault to".

I smiled "I gotta go but thanks." I walked away and left.


Once I got home August wasn't there its early so I understand. I ran me some bathwater while I was waiting for it to get warm I called August just to see where he was he sent me straight to voicemail.

I sighed then got into my warm bubble bath. While I was relaxing my phone went off.

I answererd it saying hello. I looked at the caller ID and it was August. "August". I said in the background.

But all I heard was moaning. "August". I yelled again then it hung up. I quickly got out of the tub I got dressed. And called Laila.

"What's wrong". Laila said into the phone.

"Laila I think august is cheating on me". I cried again.

Then there was silence. "Why...Why do you think that". Laila hesitated.

Then I heard someone call Laila in the background it sounded like a man a little like August.

"Sorry Aisha but I gotta go". And with that she hung up.

I rolled over and felt something coming up I ran to the bathroom quickly and threw up what's wrong with me? I asked myself

Once I woke up from my nap it was 2:00 in the morning and August still wasn't here. I got up and walked downstairs I grabbed me some chips and sat on the couch.

A little while later. August came in. He looked at me and walked right pass me going upstairs. I followed right behind him.

"August where tf were you....you had me worried sick". I said angrily.

"I'm a grown ass man why you worrying about where I've been". He said taking off his shoes.

"Because August I'm your fucking girlfriend how do you not see that you leaving for hours and coming in like nothing wrong".

"You don't fucking act like it you going out wit otha niggas and shit being all buddy buddy".

" The fuck August he is just a friend its not like I'm fucking him you know I wouldn't do that to you".

He looked at me then got onto the bed. I got on after him.

"August I ain't fuck him he is just a friend that's all nothing more".

"Ight if he just a friend then don't talk to him no more".

"August why you being so fucking stubborn.. Damn".

"She you can't even delete his contacts ya hoe ass fucked him I know it".

I looked at him. "Oh so I'm a hoe now."

I grabbed my phone and walked out hearing august calling after me. "Aisha you know I ain't meant that". He screamed.

I slammed the guest room door in frustration I climbed onto the bed and cried myself to sleep.

-How you liking this chapter August cruel. Aisha almost kissed Chase. Aisha is Sick I think-.

--©ômêñt Vøtë ëtç

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