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Aisha POV

Honestly what August did was so unexpected.  Because I was so excited I decided to post my new ring on Snapchat with the caption yes.

I also posted on Twitter saying "Mrs. Alsina how do that sound". Many of August fans had a lot to say some positive comments some negative.

Me and August was in our hotel room watching TV when I decided that it was time to tell him that I'm pregnant. "August... I said turning down the TV.

He turned around and gave me his full attention. "I have to tell you something". I said sighing. "Well....I'm kinda uh um, you know". I said hesitating.

"Baby what's wrong". August asked me.

"I'm pregnant August". He looked at me and smiled .

"Baby that's great". He said hugging me then he got on top of me and kissed me. "I guess you can't get enough of big daddy can you". He said.

"Mmm conceited much". He smiled and started kissing MY neck. "August". I moaned out.

He kept kissing my neck then he slipped down my underwear and slid two fingers inside of me which made me jump for delight.

I let out a meaningful moan while he just smirked he know what he's doing. He pulled out his fingers and then he slowly kissed down towards my punanni.

He then began to place soft kisses on my clitoris which made me move up. "Nah don't runaway". August said pulling me back towards his mouth.

After a few licks and kisses I came. He smiled then cleaned me up. "Thanks baby". I said kissing him.

"You welcome". He said back.

*Next Day*.

Nique POV

Hey you guys missed me well my modeling career has been going wonderful I traveled almost over the whole country but I have something to tell you guys I'm pregnant 4 months exactly.

But I'm coming back to LA for a couple photo shoots and also I want to meet up with Aisha look I know we got off on the wrong but I just want to see her and tell her how bad I messed up and I'm sorry".

After getting of the plane I got into my cab and made my way to my hotel time for a relaxation but first I want to hit up the spa.

I got dressed and made my way downstairs to NMA SPA until I bumped into somebody. I looked up and to my luck it was Aisha.

"Omgosh Aisha how are you". She looked at me like I was dumb before replying.

"Bitch please". She said flicking me off and walking away. "Wait". I jogged my pregnant ass up towards her and stood in front of her.

"Look you better be glad I'm pregnant because if I wasn't I would've molly wopped ya ass when I first ran into you". She said honestly.

"Really your pregnant to how many months ".

"Four ". She said annoyed. "Really me to but I'm not moving until you talk to me I'm heading to the spa you should join and we should talk this out." I said persuading.

"No I rather not because I'm in a good mood right now and your presence might fuck up my mood and Iont like shit of mine fucked up you of all people should know that shit". She said talking fast.

"Yes I understand that but I just want to Talk to you I'm not gonna leave you alone until you listen". I said persuasive.

She thought for a minute then shook her head. I smiled and led her to the spa.


While getting our nails done I saw something on Aisha's left finger. I picked up her hand and it was an engagement ring.

"Omgosh Aisha is that what it think it is....".

She shook her head yes and I jumped up in delight until the Chinese women told me to stay still. "My bad". I said then I turned my head back to Aisha.

"When did this happen". I asked ha. "Yesterday at my party". She smiled I knew she was happy. Her and August are meant for each other there like chocolate and Cake, Milk & Cookies, Ham & Cheese . I must be hungry.

"Do you know the birth of the baby". Aisha asked me. "No not yet... But do you". I said. "Nope but I'm hoping its a boy because Iont want another girl I could hardly handle heaven you know she got a boyfriend". Aisha said smirking.

"What! Heaven got a boyfriend do August know". I asked surprised.

"No she asked me not to tell him". She said. "August sneaky he gonna find out eventually". I said.

"Mmhmm but I know he gonna be pissed as fuck he just think she is still his little girl".


August POV

While Aisha went somewhere I got a phone call before looking at the caller ID I answered it . "Speak". I said into the phone. Iont care who I'm talking to I always say speak.

"Hey August Its Camilla I was wondering if you was busy". She said into the phone.

"Matter of fact yeah I am don't fucking call me again I cut you off along time ago".

"But August it's really important I need to tell you something". She said.

I sighed "where you at". I asked. "Home". She replied back. I hung up the phone and threw on some clothes.

Let's see what she gotta tell me..........

( Aisha and Nique back friends hmmm interesting).

(Camilla have news for August what is it find out on the next chapter).

( stay tuned)

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baby daddy(August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now