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Aisha POV

Heaven was ova my moms house so I was just in the house listening ta music and cleaning up until someone knocked on my doe killing my vibe.

I walked to my door swinging it open and revealing August.  I was confused as why he was here cause Heavens not here and he knows that.

"What chu doing here" I asked him.

"I'm here cause I need ta talk to ya" he said looking me up I down.

I looked down ta see what he was looking at and I realized I was in some short spandex shorts and a Victoria secret bra top. "Oh shit" I said in my head.

I moved out the way so he could come in he walked to the couch sitting down and getting comfortable.

"I be right back gotta go change"

"Why don't you keep what you got on" he said smirking.

"Don't push it August" I said then walking away.

I came back downstairs and saw him on his phone I could tell he was arguing with somebody by how he was clenching his jaw and the hurtful words that were spilling out of his mouth obviously.

Once he saw my presence he hung up the phone and he looked really pissed. I sat down next to him but far away. He then gave me one of those why-you-so-far-ova-there looks.

"I don't bite ma whatcah scard of" He asked me.

"I'm not scard of anything I'm just comfortable ova here".

He pulled me to him where our faces were only inches apart we started leaning in until I realized what was happening so I pulled away.

"You wanted ta talk" I said breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah uh I wanted ta talk about US. Befoe you say anything. I just wanted you ta know that I love you Aisha I never stopped loving you and I won't ever stop loving you. You were my first love and you were the first person who gave me the most beautiful little girl ever and I love yah fa that. I know we aren't togthea but I want you so bad I wanna wake up to yah face erday I wanna kiss you feel you know that your there I honestly love you Aisha and you know I don't like opening up to people but as you can see I only can open up to you because you undastand me, I don't only love you I'm in love with you I will dump any hoe or hoes I have. To be wit chu I want us ta be a family I don't wanna miss anymore years of Heavens life I want us togthea Aisha".

After he said that tears were spilling out of my eyes I was really lost of words that I couldn't say anything. So instead of saying something I kissed him and I put everything I was gonna say into that kiss. It was moe passionate and it had a lot of love put into it. The kiss started getting heated like really heated like burning sensation heated.

August picked me up but not breaking the kiss we walked carefully upstairs and he threw me on the bed we started stripping outta our clothes. And that night we made love plenty of times.


*Next morning*

I woke up and instantly everything that happened yestaday came ta me I then was angry at myself fa letting it escalade that far that we made love. But I wasnt mad that we did make love because I enjoyed every bit of it.

I carefully slid out of August arms and limped to the the bathroom. I swea he put it down yestaday. I turned on the shower and got in letting the wata hit me not to long afta somebody got in after me and once I turned around I saw august looking right at me smirking.

"Good morning" I said.

He didn't even say it back He kissed me and I kissed him back that's when things got whoo hot. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist .

Before I knew it his hard d*ick went inside me which made me go wild I started thrusting up and down on it while he was hitting my spot.

I moaned while he groaned and. The atmosphere started getting more sexual that I pushed him on the shower chair and sat on his d*ick going up and down I moved my wet hair out of my face while august threw his head back.

After the shower sex we just had. Me and August got dressed weird that he keeps clothes in his car but I guess it comes in handy. Before August left I wanted ta ask him this one question. I sat down next ta him getting comfortable.

"August where do this leave us" I asked him.

He then looked at me.

"I want us ta be an us again i want to be with you Aisha." He said looking me in my eyes so I knew he was serious"

"I want to be with you to August but promise me one thing".

He looked at me so I could keep going.

"Promise me you won't walk out of me and Heavens lives again".

"I promise baby girl now give daddy some sugar.

I giggled while giving daddy what he asked fa. I walked to the kitchen getting my sugar pot and I gave it to him "here's ya sugar daddy" I said handing him the sugar pot.

"Nah not that kind sugar" He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me deeply and I kissed him back deeply.


August left awhile ago and im so happy that were back togthea and yah know I'm happy about the sex cause tbh I haven't had sex in awhile. Laila called me and asked me did I want ta go shopping wit ha and I agreed cause I didn't have to pick heaven up until 8:00 and it only 3:45.

I grabbed my keys and phone and drove to the mall once I got there I texted Laila asking where she was and she texted back saying she was in Macy's so that's where I went once I walked in I instantly spotted ha I walked over ta ha and gave ha a hug.

She then looked at me for a while staying silent.

"How was it" she asked me. Which made me confused.

"How was what" i asked ha confused.

" How was The Sex" she said smirking.

I gasped "How did you know".

"Look at you. You got that just had sex glow what I wanna know is who put it down on my bestfrand so tell me who is this lucky guy.

"August" I said below a whisper.

"August wha August Who". She asked me.

"August.. August alsina my baby daddy".

"What the fuck Aisha was it good. Are y'all back togthea".

"Ta answer ya questions yes it was amazing and Yes were back together but were taking it slow besides what happened yestaday and this morning".

"Well I'm happy fa yah bestfrand" she said patting my back.


*2 hours lata"

We just got done shopping so we left and said our goodbyes I then decided ta chill at my mama house until I wanted to go home. Once I got there heaven was playing with ha cousin which is my brothers daughter yeah I have a brother he is one year older than me and has a 6 year old daughter. Hours passed and I was getting tired so me and Heaven went home afta giving heaven a bath she went ta sleep and I went ta sleep afta ha but not before talking ta August on face time. We talked all night then we went ta sleep. But not ending the face time call.

Chapter gave me life... Don't judge me I'm not that good on sex scenes so these pass sex scenes is going to be hecka corny.

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