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Laila POV

*3 months later*

I was feeding Quin when I heard Aisha Scream my name in pain. I ran up the steps like I was running a marathon.

"What's wrong". I asked her out of breath.

"My.. My water broke ". She screamed.

"Oh shit okay come on". I picked her up by her arm and shit she was heavy and helped her to the car.

I then got Quin and Heaven into the car.


August POV

I was in the studio when I heard my phone ring I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Laila.

"Speak". I said into the phone

"August you need to get to the hospital now Aisha is in labor". And with that she hung up.

I got up fast as hell and got into my car pulling off to the hospital.


I finally arrived at the hospital and got out. I walked inside and went up to the front desk.

"I'm here for Aisha Hall". I said to the nurse.

"August... Your August Alsina can I have your autograph". She asked jumping up and down.

Did she hear anything I just said I said into my mind.

"Look ms.... Scott I don't got time for this my girlfriend is in labor and I need her room now".

She hesitated "Room 240".

I walked away annoyed and started searching for room 240 I finally found it and went inside.

"Daddy". Heaven said jumping one.

I kissed her forhead "Hey princess".

I then made my way over to Aisha's bed and took her hand into mind. "How you feeling". I asked her.

"August really did you just ask me how I'm feeling well I feel like shit I need this baby out now". She said yelling.

An hour later the doctor came in.

"Hello its nice to see y'all again". Doctor Richards said to us.

She walked over to Aisha and me. "How are you sweetheart". She asked Aisha.

"I'm good just ready ahh for this baby to come out". Aisha said.

Ooh well she said that nicely. Then some nurses came in. "You ready". Doctor Richards asked Aisha.

Aisha just shook her head. 


"Ah August". Aisha said squeezing my hand. Which made me srunch up my face.

About 2 minutes later I heard a crying sound the nurse cleaned our baby boy off and gave him to me .

"Hey baby boy how are you". I said kissing his for head. He just started crying.

Then I heard another crying next came out my baby girl the nurse cleaned her off and gave her to Aisha.

"Hey princess its okay I'm here". Aisha whispered.

"Do you know what you want to name them". Doctor Richards asked us.

Me and Aisha shook our heads yes about 4 months ago we said that I was gonna name our little girl and she was gonna name our little boy.

"Yeah her name is Armani Abrionna Alsina". I said pointing to our little girl.

"And his name is Adrian Melvin Alsina". Aisha smiled.

I looked at her "Melvin?". I asked her.

She just shook her head. A little while later the family came in with ballons and gifts. "Congrats y'all". Laila said.


We was all enjoying ourselves with until somebody I hoped I didn't see because I knew I was gonna beat his ass.

"Why you here". I asked him.

"I'm here to see my babies". He replied.

"Nah bruh this ain't yo' babies I'm gonna need for you to get the stepping". I said pushing him.


I swear I have Writers Block fareal I dont know why I ended this chapter like this but its because I ain't feel like writing the whole thing I'm surprised I made this chapter I'm so sorry you guys writers block sucks don't it I hate it with a passion but I love y'all

How y'all like this chapter.

Aisha had her babies.

Armani Abrionna Alsina & Adrian Melvin Alsina I like them namesss.

Awee Aisha named there son middle name August decease brother.

Who babies y'all want it to be August or Chases #Comment



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