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August POV

I told Aisha to follow me because she has a daughter that look like the age of three or four and her last name is Alsina and she kinda favor me a little bit.

"Yes August" Aisha said sounding Nervous. "So was you gonna tell me" I snapped at her. "Tell you what?". "Tell me that I had a daughter was you ever gonna tell me this". "Okay August I was but how? You left me and didn't even have the balls to say goodbye what was I suppose to do go to your little concert "oh we have a child" no I went to your house the day you left and your mother gave me the news that you left me and I was to hurt to tell you". I just rubbed the back of my neck because I knew I was wrong I knew I hurt her but there was a reason it wasn't only for the record deal there is another part of why I left and only me and someone else knows. "I understand that I was wrong but if you could've just told me I had a daughter". She just stayed silent after that.

"How about me you and Heaven  do something tomorrow so I could get to know her". I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Um sure well my numbers the same as last time". I just laughed after that because she never liked change. "Okay see you and my little princess tomorrow.

Aisha POV

I never thought I was gonna have this conversation and I really think he want to be in Heaven's life. I dropped my mother off home first and then me and heaven went home. I got heaven out out of her car seat. And then we want in the house. "Heaven you want anything to eat" I yelled from The kitchen." Ywes mwommy can I have some pwincess shwape nwuggets. I put on the grease then popped the nuggets into it. I walked in the living room and saw Heaven sitting on the couch watching TV.

"What you watching heaven" "uh I dwont know it just came on and it intrewsting. I looked at my phone and saw I got a text from an unknown number saying "meet at chucke cheese at 1:20 am". I texted back saying "who is this". "August". Then I texted "okay". I then turned my phone off and went to go get heavens nuggets I put them on a plate and then put a little ketchup and barbeque sauce on the side. I sat it in front of Heaven with some grape kool-aid.

*next day*

I woke up and looked at my phone it read 11:30. I went into Heaven's room and saw her coloring In her coloring book. "Come on heaven let's get you into the bath . "Otay mwommy" she said getting up. " wait mwommy I got this." You got what" "I'm a bwig girl know I can twake a bath on my own". "Are you sure" I said on the verge of tears because I know my little girl is growing up. "Ywes". "Okay call me if you need help and you clothes will be on the bed". I walked to her closet and then heard  water running I picked her out her cheater print leggings , black shirt that said I love mommy  , black flats , and gold watch with her gold studs and gold necklace with her name on it. I layed that on the bed with her Dora undies then went to go take a shower.

I got out the shower and then lotioned up my body and put deodorant on. I looked through my closet then found a black crop top , cheater print skirt, my black flats, with my gold Rolex watch , hoop earrings , and necklace. When I  was done getting dress I put on my Paris Hilton perfume and added a little bit of makeup I grabbed my pink custom made iphone 6 and my black purse. I walked into Heavens room and saw her fully dressed. But her hair was looking like she slept on it.

"Heaven how did you mess you hair up". " I don't know mwommy". I sat on her bed and started brushing her hair I wet the tips of the brush so her hair could be curly and it did so I put it in a curly pony tail and then put her cheater print bow in her hair

*At chuckie cheese*

I texted August telling him we were here and he texted back " okay meet me by the salad bar". Me and heaven made our way inside of it and tbh it wasn't that stanky I mean it wasn't smelling good either. "Mwommy there go Mr. August" Heaven said pointing to August. "I know go say hi".

Heaven ran off and went to go hug August when I got there heaven was talking about her princesses. "Hey Aisha". August said looking up to me. "Hey August" i said sitting down. "Mwommy can I go play" "yea" I pulled out her socks from my purse and handed it to her. She put it on quickly and then went wild leaving me and August there alone. We didn't say anything until I broke the awkward silence.

"So august how is life". I said unsure of what to say.

" its going great I have a song coming out my new album testimony is coming out".

"That's great". I said playing  with my finger nails. "Are you nervous". August asked me. "No why". "Because when your nervous you play with your fingertips". I was surprised that he remembers a little detail of me. "Anyway Aisha do you have a boyfriend". "No not yet I mean I didn't find the right one yet.

August POV

While me and Aisha was talking I started to realize why I fell for her in the first place her looks, personality, and she was caring. I think I still have feelings for Aisha but I got Nia I don't love Nia the sex just in point so that's why Im with her and she give head like a pro. "Mwommy I'm hungry". Heaven said running to us. "The pizza is on its way" Aisha replied. The pizza came 10 minutes later and we ate up. We said our goodbyes and I left in my white Benz. If y'all wondering no I didn't tell Heaven I'm her father yet well I just don't know how what I just come out and say "Hey princess I'm your dad" no that's to forward so be and Aisha decided to wait and tell her.


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Next chapter is gonna be kinda boring Idk we have to see......

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