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August POV

I moved Nicole Ass out and got with Aisha again it's amazing that I have the woman I love in bed with me.

Yeah Nicole was mad but i ain't give a fuck her Pusey was wack any way. "Hey babey". Aisha said waking up.

"Hey babe". I said kissing her forehead.

She got up and went to the bathroom. Once she came out she said something but I didn't hear her. "What chu say".

"I said that I'n going to star bucks do you want anything". She said putting on her clothes.

"Nah I'm good". She kissed my cheek and left gotta love ha.

Aisha POV

I pulled up to star bucks and got out of the car while I was getting out I got a text from laila so I decided to text her back.

While I was texting her I bumped into some dude. "Tf watch were you going spilling coffee on my shirt and shit".

This dude got me fucked up thinking he gon talk to me like that. "It ain't my fucking fault if you was looking to then we wouldn't be in this problem so don't fucking Blame this on me". I walked passed him making sure I bumped into him.

He grabbed my arm which made me turn around. "Look I'm sorry it's just that I'm in a hurry I ain't mean to talk to you like that honestly".

I looked at him for a while before replying. "It's fine I ain't mean to curse at chu either I was just pissed".

"How bout you let me make it up to you how bout lunch tomorrow". He asked me.

"Iont really go out to lunch with strangers".

He looked at me weirdly " My name is Chase Jamari Jackson I'm 26 years old in Medical school and you".

I chuckled before answering "Well my name is Aisha Carmen hall I'm 25 years old and I'm a fashion designer".

He smiled "Well Aisha we aren't strangers anymore so how about that lunch date".

I looked at him ". Okay". He smiled and I gave him my number.

"It was nice meeting you Aisha".

"You to". I chuckled.

I know I'm with August but I think me and Chase could be really good friends you know what they say first impression is important but not.

I finally got my Mocha Choca Coffee that I've been craving this whole week.

Once I got home I saw that August and Heaven wasn't here so I just plopped down on the couch and watch some television.

For all my love ones. What y'all think about Chase he cute ain't he.

Short Chappie..

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