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Now and days its gonna be August POV just to tell how he feels.

2 weeks later

August POV

Aisha still is not comprehending what's going on she still acts loss. Yea she talks but not a lot how she used to. Heaven doesn't know what happened to her mother I just tell her that she is sick. Aisha is having therapy but I don't see no change in her persona.

After giving Heaven a bath I put her to sleep. And went into me and Aisha's room. I Saw Aisha and she was sleep. And she looked so beautiful.

I haven't had Sex or even been touched by a female In 2 weeks so you should no how I'm feeling , horny. I kissed Aisha for head then rolled over and went to sleep.

Next morning

After I woke up I saw that Aisha wasn't in bed. I turned over and saw that the deck doors were opened so I got up and slipped on my slippers and I put on a T-shirt. Once I got out there I saw Aisha on the balcony edge.

"Aisha" I said scard

"August I'm sorry I real am I can't live like this I can't put you in this predicament I love you but I'm ready to go I'm ready to leave this earth I can't even say hello to my own daughter I can't even play with her anymore and that hurts me tell her I love her but August I have to leave goodbye"

And with that she jumped off.

Did she die, find out on the next chapter

Short chappie

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