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Aisha POV

Yesterday August called me with some bull shit talking bout how he need me and want me back blah blah blah. But come to find out he was drunk and lost some where.

So me being nice I went to go pick him up and when I got to his house he asked me to stay at first I was like nah. But August Is real convincing sober or drunk.

I stayed and we talked and kissed and things led to another which brings me to now in the bed with August naked and disgusted.

Yeah the sex was A1 but some how it didn't feel right it felt like I took advantage of him just because he was drunk.

August was still sleep so I slipped out of the bed so I wouldn't wake him. Hmm my first one night stand. I threw on my clothes and quietly but quickly opened the bedroom door.


"Shit" I muderd August woke up at first he didn't recognize me.

" Last night was Fun". He said smirking.

I threw my head towards him while covering my mouth in shock "omg you remember".

"Well let's just say my drunk ness wore off when you gave me them pills".

I sighed in relief. To be honest I was a little excited and I wanted round two but I wasn't gon tell him that doe.

He patted the spot next to him I hesitated first before finally getting in bed next to him.

" I miss you Aisha". He said.

" I miss you to August". I said back. "You hungry?". I asked him.

"Yeah what you finna cook".

"You will see". I got up and made my way downstairs.


August POV

Aisha went to go cook breakfast so I went to go take  a shower after my shower I got dressed and made my way down stairs.

I heard the front door open "oh shit" I said quietly. Nobody don't have a key to my house but me and Nicole so that must be Nicole.

I walk to where she was. "Hey babe". She said kissing my cheek. "Wassup". I said back.

She walked passed me but I quickly grabbed her arm. She looked at me weirdly. "August why you grabbing me".

I let go, "No reason its just uh....". Before I could finish Aisha called my name.

"August who tf was that". I just looked. Aisha then came out and started smirking.

"August why tf this bitch here in my fucking home in our home".

"Bitch? No I'm far from that you need to watch ya got damn mouth befo' you regret what you juss' said!". Aisha yelled pissed.

"Yeah I said bitch why tf you in my house". Nicole yelled.

Aisha started laughing oh shit when she laugh shit goes down and aisha whoops ass foreal.

"August you better get yo girl foreal".

I just looked I aint bout to jump in so I could get my ass whooped that's dead.

"Wanna fuvking play". Nicole muttered.

She picked up a vase and threw it at Aisha but Aisha dodged it. Aisha ran towards Nicole and knocked her on the ground.

She started beating her head in and they started fighting.

I'm not gonna get into detail wit they fight Iont know who's winning they both throwing hands.

But in tired of this shit at first the fight was entertaining but I aint' tryna have blood on carpet.

I picked Aisha up and she started kicking she got outta my grip and threw one more punch at Nicole.

"You stupid bitch" She yelled.

I grabbed her again and took her upstairs. "You good". I asked ha.

"Yeah I'm cool". She said back.

"I'm Rey get ha outta here then you and my daughta can move back in".

"Augu....." Befoe' she could say anything I walked out. Long story short I kicked Nicole thot ass out and my 2 favorite people in the world moved in.

Sorry for not updating but my phone been off and I just got it back on here is my token of sorryness Lol.

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