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Aisha POV

*2 months later*.

Today is the day me and August find out the sex of the babey I'm a little excited juss a lil. But I'm Confident August and Laila betted that it was either gonna be a girl or boy. I'm just on either side.

"Nah I bet its gonna be a girl". Laila said to August

"Well you gonna be shut outta luck when it's a boy but don't worry you can just either give me 500 instead of 1000". August said patting Laila's shoulder.

"Niggah please if I loose you aint gettin shit". Laila muttered.

"Hey no cursing around the babey". I said .

They both said sorry.

I went into the back yard with Laila and we sat down. "Aisha I gotta tell you something that could make you think differently of me". Laila said.

I put down my fruit cup and gave her my full attention. "Well I kinda well um. Slept with my boss".

"What! Laila ain't he married". I asked ha.

"Well yeah but he said there having a divorce and he would take care of me and Quin".

I shook my head. "Laila that nigga ain't divorcin his wife he is rich if he divorce ha she gonna take his money he only telling you that do y'all can keep fucking". I said honestly.

"I know but I love him I.. ".

I pulled Laila into a hug. "Laila you a grown ass women you juss gotta do what chu gotta do".


Me and August pulled up to Memorial Clinic and got out. We signed some papers and waited for our name to be called.

Aisha Alsina they said. I smiled. "Alsina"?. I asked august. He just laughed.

We made our way and I climbed up onto the table thingy.

"Are you nervous". The nurse asked me.

"Just a little". I replied.

"Okay this is gonna be cold". She applied the jell onto my stomach. "You see that congratulations your having .........


baby daddy(August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now