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Nique POV

After what August did I rushed Aisha to the hospital. Once we got there nurses and shit kept asking us questions so I had ta get smart.

"Why tf you asking me all these got damn questions you see she in f*ucking pain so put ha in a got damn room and if you got a problem with me cussing ya no edges ass out we can handle it tf".

The nurse then looked scard. She came back wit a wheelchair and she put Aisha in it. I was walking wit them until she told me I couldn't come in there so I'm like tf. But i just went back.

I called August but he sent me to voicemail after the 5th call he finally answered.

*phone convo*

Nique- "August where tf are you. You need ta come to the hospital ASAP"

August- "Why tf do I need ta come to the hostpital cause I damn sho' ain't coming cause I put ya little boyfriend into the hospital".

Nique- "No its Aisha" I said on the verge of tears.

He then hung up not saying nothing after that.


August POV

After Nique told me Aisha was the one in the hospital I jumped in my car so fast and sped to the hostpital not caring if I was running red lights.

Once I got there I ran in there I finally spotted Nique and she was in the chair crying.

"Nique where is Aisha" I asked calmly.

"They took her in the back". She replied.

I sat down with her and put my hands in my head what tf happened.

"Do you know what happened".

"Honestly no but all I know that its your fault".

My fault? Hours later a doctor came out.

Family of Aisha Hall the doctor asked. Me, Nique, Laila, And Aisha family stood up.

"We have some good news and bad news what would you like first" The doctor asked us.

"Good news" I replied

"Well the good news is that she is fine and awake. The bad news is that she lost a lot of blood which caused her to loose the baby.

"Wait baby?" I asked

"Yes baby she was 2 months pregnant and she lost the baby you can visit her now but 2 at a time she is in room 215". He then walked away.

"August" Aisha mother said.

"You guys can go I need to clear my head". I walked away and got into my car. Baby kept playing in my head why didn't she tell me she was pregnant and when I found out that I was gonna be a daddy again. And I found out that it died.

Awhile later. A knock came on my Car window. I looked up and rolled it down.

"Aisha wants to see you" Laila said.

"Okay". I got out of the car and walked to the room she was in. Once I got in there I saw Aisha mother and Brother they then got up once they saw me. Aisha brother Marcus patted my shoulder while walking out.

I pulled the chair up to the side of Aisha's hospital bed.

"Aisha" I said her name softly. She didn't say anything she just looked up. "Aisha are you okay" I said agian.

"Its your fault its yours that I loss the baby August I hate you leave get out" she screamed

Aisha didn't look normal she looked more paranormal like one of them possessed demons. She then started zapping out. So I tried to calm her down.

I pushed the emergency button and nurses and doctors started coming in they pushed me out and I saw them giving her a needle so she could calm down.

The doctor from earlier came out. "Mr. Hall" He asked me.

"No Mr. Alsina" I corrected him.

"Well Mr. Alsina your wife is suffering from Post Partum Depression. Its a depression that mother's have after miscarriages most miscarriage mother's get it most don't she will have to stay here for 2 more weeks so we could run test but once she get out she will have to do two months of emotional therapy ".

"Post Partum depression, Therapy tf my women is not crazy why tf she need therapy " I yelled back.

" Sir its for her safety This type of depression can lead to suicide and we don't want that happening so she will need this therapy" He said then walked away.

I screamed outta anger this some bullshit I got into my car and drove off to god knows where.

Aisha is sick

August is angry

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