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5 years lata

August POV

Its been 5 years since Aisha's been gone and I honestly miss her . I'm not with anybody right now all I got is hoes. Also why i dont wanna get into a relationship us because i believe Aisha is coming something in me tells me that she is not dead. I'm a full time dad I love it but girls and they girly things can be a little imitating

Heaven is now 10 years old. And she is very mature of her age. She still cries once in a while but she never tells me why but I'm pretty sure because she misses her mother.

After calling Heaven down from school. I grabbed my jacket. Aisha I mean heaven she look so much like her mother. Heaven came down and we got in the car and drove off.

We finally arrived yo her school.

"Whatever you do make sho' you don't get inta another fight tday" I told ha

"Okay daddy I will try" She replied

"Fuck you won't don't let me come up did school cause if I do ima beat ya ass in front of ya whole class iont care"

"No daddy I promise I won't"

"Okay give daddy a kiss" She leaned over and pecked my lips. She then got out the car waving goodbye.

I pulled up to the studio and got out the car. Let's see how my day is gonna go.

Aisha POV

Surprised yeah I'm not dead I faked my death. You wanna know why I did it because my daughter life was threatens and I had to disappear before my daughter would and I wasn't having it.

But the person who threatened ta kill me was the one who got killed long story short I got people fa this.

I know live in Puerto Rico but I'm packing so I could go back home. I know August gone be surprised and pissed but I guess ima have ta tell him.

The only people who now I'm alive is Nique and Laila. Yeah and I was at my funeral I was dressed like and old lady. On some real shit. After packing I got into a cab and drove to the airport.


I just got off the plane and I was looking for Nique and Laila I spotted them and we start running to each other Luke in slow motion.Lol.

"Omg I missed y'all" I said hugging them

"We missed chu tooo" they said back.

After exchanging a few words we got into the car and drove off.

"So how was Puerto Rico" Laila asked me

"It was cool but I missed my two babies".

"So did you get foreign d*ick" Nique asked laughing.

"Tbh no I haven't had sex in 5 years".

They gasped what they surprised fa I belong ta August. And I promised myself I wouldn't f*uck any other dude why I'm out here. Trust me they asked and asked and my question was no.

"So we about ta call Aug to tell him we have a surprise" Nique said.

I just shook my head in agreement after calling him we pulled up to this beautiful house. Once we got out I saw many cars out there damn.

We walked through the door to the back. Once August saw me he looked surprised.

"Aisha" he gasped


She is not dead yeasss.

Baby on fleek Lol

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