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Aisha POV

When I woke up August wasn't on the side of me I rolled over once more and felt paper.

"Hmm what's this". I mumbled. I opened the paper and it said.

~Happy birthday 2 my queen I know your wondering why I am not here but its because I need you to enjoy a day to yourself. First on your list I got you a day at Hollywood spi so you could get ya nails did. Where you will receive my next letter for your next surprise~.

I smiled What a gentleman I got into the shower after the shower I got dressed and headed out.

First I made my way to Hollywood spi. "Hey welcome to Hollywood Spi you must be Aisha".

I shook my head in agreement. "Follow me". I followed the lady to the back. "You can sit here". She said.


I'm finally done and I feel great. "This is for you". The lady said.

She handed me a piece of paper. I opened it and smiled.

~How's my baby I can't wait to see you later on I know your stress free but that's not all I set you up with an appointment with Cassidy Salon the directions are on here. Get your hair anyway you please. Once your done Cassidy will give you the other gift to your next clue. Love you.~

I walked out and got into my car I finally pulled up to Cassidy Salon. "I guess your Aisha I'm Cassidy".

I smiled "yes I'm Aisha".

"You are a lucky girl if my man did this he would have world around sex foreal". Cassidy said.

I laughed. "So how you want it". She asked me.

I told her surprise me and she got right to the point.


After I was done let me tell ya I looked good. I swear august is up to something this aint just a birthday present its something more.

"Thank you". I said.

"Anytime girl and this is for you".

I grabbed the paper and read it.

~ How you like ya hair I can't wait to see you but you can't be pretty without a pretty outfit my stylist Sasha owns her own boutique where she can hook you up.

I pulled up to Sasha's boutique and got out. "Omgosh Aisha how are you". Sasha said hugging me.

"I'm good how are you". I said.

"I'm great". She took a step back and looked at me. "You pregnant? ".

"How did you know". I asked confused. "Cause girl you got that pregnant glow anyway do august know".

"Nah I ain't tell him yet".

"What! You need to tell him tonight cause he gonna prop....". She said until she stopped.

"Pro..... What?". I asked ha.

"Nothing let's get you ready I picked out 4 outfits the red maxi dress, black boobon, silver shower dress, or the pink citone dress, " she said holding up all dresses.

I looked over them "can I try them on" I asked ha. "Of course". She said

After trying all of them on I liked the Black boobon better so I went with that and some black heels and cute accessories.

"Here ya go". She handed me a paper which I read.

~ Lor Mama looking good huh but there is a limo right outside to take you to your special place don't be late~.

I hugged Sasha. "See you later" she screamed.

Once I got outside a black limo was out there I smiled "August is definitely up to something". I said in my head.

The man opened the door for me and I got inside a little later we pulled off.


We pulled up to this big venue and it was really pretty outside. The man opened the door for me and I got out.

I finally got inside and everybody screamed surprise. August walked over to me and kissed me. "Happy birthday baby".

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and gave him another kiss. "Thanks baby".

He grabbed my hand and we made it in more. "Mommy". Heaven said hugging me.

"Hey sweetheart". I said kissing her cheek.

"Happy birthday mommy this is my gift". She handed me a box.

I smiled and opened it and it was a homemade bracelet. "Awwe baby thank you". I said kissing her cheek. "You welcome mommy".


I was talking to Nicki and Meek until I heard somebody clear there throught.

I turned around and saw...................




baby daddy(August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now