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HEARTLESS~kanye west

In the night I hear 'em talk
The coldest story ever told
Somewhere far along this road
He lost his soul to a woman so heartless
How could you be so heartless?
Oh, how could you be so heartless?

In the night I hear 'em talkThe coldest story ever toldSomewhere far along this roadHe lost his soul to a woman so heartlessHow could you be so heartless?Oh, how could you be so heartless?

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You got a new friend, well, I got homies
But in the end it's still so lonely

You got a new friend, well, I got homiesBut in the end it's still so lonely

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How could you be so heartless?
Oh, how could you be so heartless?

Ciao a tutte!

Sono tornata, questa volta con chico, mio amore da quando gioca all'ajax, perciò non vi dico la mia emozione quando ho letto che sarebbe venuto alla juve.

Non mi dilungo troppo, se non per augurarvi una buona lettura🫶🏼

vi amo❤️

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