Chapter 31

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Apollo: could you introduce yourself?
Artemis: I'm fucking strong.
Zoë: I'm strong.

Nico: W-will?
Will: yea?
Nico: I think I'm gay.
Will: Nico we've been married for 6 years,

Frank: so you say you're hotter than me?
Leo: *lights himself on fire* yep.
Frank: doesn't that make me-
Frank: *puts on sunglasses*
Frank: cooler than you?
Leo: *gasp* you have learned all I can teach you.

Leo: they say Spanish is the hottest language.
Thalia: oh, I definitely agree.
Leo: *winks* tornado de caballos.
Thalia: oh wait you speak Spanish too?

Nico: I'm trash.
Will: as someone who's against littering, I feel obligated to pick you up. How about 6?

Thalia: why so cold?
Reyna: guess I just am cold.
Thalia: nah, I'd consider you... hot.

How people picture Rachel and Annabeth:
Annabeth: ASSHAT!
Actual Rachel and Annabeth:
Annabeth: I hate these romance movies.
Rachel: *munches on popcorn* still a better story than Twilight.

Calypso: this scene isn't even sad... I know it's not a real dog.
Leo: then why are you crying?
Calypso: I'm not, my eyes are just cosplaying a waterfall.

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