Lucaya- Proposal

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*inspired by Bride Wars*

"Riley!" Maya yelled her voice echoing through her new apartment.

"Yeah?" Riley called back her light voice filled with the excitement her best friend should have been feeling. For God's sakes this was Maya's new house, the house she and Lucas had just bought together.

Maya laughed. "I can't reach this box! Ranger Rick put it up too high!" she exclaimed, jumping in a lame attempt to reach the box marked 'Riley's stuff'. While Maya had moved in with the cowboy Riley had moved in with the bad boy, her and Zay had been going steady for ages before he proposed. Maya smiled, her best friend was getting married in June.

"I'm here!" Riley said zipping into the room.

"Box." Maya said sarcastically looking at the shelf.

Riley smiled. "Oh yay more of my stuff!" She exclaimed reaching up and taking the box down, underneath it was a blue sweater.

"I have been looking for this for ages!" Riley exclaimed yanking the sweater off of the shelf. Next thing she knew something had hit her on the head.

"Ow!" she exclaimed picking up the small white box.

"What is it?" Maya said her voice an uncaring monotone that Riley suspected was due to the tiredness of moving.

Riley opened the box. Inside was a large diamond ring with a silver band, on the inner lid of the box the words "Marry me Hart" were engraved.

Riley snapped the box shut. "Nothing!" she shouted quickly.

"Riley you're so obvious!" Maya laughed reaching to grab the box.

"I can't let you see it!" Riley exclaimed holding the box above her head so Maya's small frame could not reach it.

"Riley?" Maya's voice became patronizing.

Riley moved awkwardly, she was busting to tell her.

"You're getting married!" She exclaimed before covering her mouth, she had blown the whole thing.

"What?!" Maya yelled, her tired monotone turning into an excited scream. 

"There is an engagement ring in this box." Riley explained, she decided she would let Lucas have one last surprise. "But I can't show you it. He should get to see your face when you see it." She said placing the ring back and then the sweater.

Riley beamed at her friend. "That will have to stay there for awhile." she joked pulling her hesitant but excited friend into a hug.


Two weeks later Maya stood outside of the Vet where her 'soon to be husband' worked. It had been ages since they found the ring but that Hopalong still hadn't popped the question.

"Screw it!" Maya grunted to herself. She was getting a proposal out of him whether he liked it or not.

She pushed the doors open. "Hi Ava." Maya said greeting her best friends, brother girlfriend. She laughed to herself, God that was a mouthful.

"Hi Maya, here to see Lucas?" Ava asked, she was turning out to be a great receptionist at the Animal hospital.

"Yeah is he around?" she asked trying not to sound desperate.

"He's on his lunch break in the back room." Ava explained returning her attention to her screen.

"Thanks." Maya replied anxiously rushing down the hall.

She pushed open the doors to the break room and there he was.

"Hey huckleberry!" she called turning his attention away from his ham and cheese sandwich

"Babe?" Lucas asked, his mouth full of food.

Maya laughed away her nerves. "Will you just marry me already?!" she asked quickly.

Lucas laughed. Typical Maya. He thought standing from the table and swallowing the remanded of his food.

"Ba-" Lucas began to speak but he was cut off by Maya.

"If that's what you want, because that's what I want." She rambled walking over to him.

Her small foot got hooked on the carpet and she fell. Lucas's arms as always were there to catch her.

"Babe can we talk about this later?" he asked looking around as if people may hear him.

"You changed your mind?" Maya asked weakly, sitting in Ranger Rick's chair.

"What?" Lucas asked struggling to keep up.

"Riley found the box." Maya spoke ashamed of her actions.

She heard Lucas's footsteps grow further away but didn't have the courage to look up.

She only looked up when she heard his thick Texas accent speak again.

"This box?" he asked with a cheesy smile.

Her sadness turned to pure joy as he got down on one knee. "Riley told me what happened and I knew that you, being you, would have to come to me eventually. This made it a surprise again." he said opening the box.

Maya's hands went up, covering her mouth. He knew her so well.

"Maya Penelope Hart," he began, taking one of her hands. Tears began to form in her eyes, this was happening.
"Will you marry me?" he asked, his voice portraying the joy Maya felt in her heart.

"Yes!" she exclaimed standing up and dragging him to his feet.

She laughed away the tears as he placed the ring on her finger.

She kissed him, she couldn't believe it.

She was engaged to Lucas Friar.

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