Smarkle- Adoption

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Smackle Minkus sat in the waiting room of a small legal firm in Beijing, her and Farkle had moved there in the last year looking for a fresh start. Farkle had gotten a job at a huge new tech company and Smackle, well Smackle can't disclose what she is doing as it defies the contract she signed when she agreed to work for the government *cough cough* (Aliens) *couch cough*. 

But alas, even the smartest couple in the world had problems. Smackle couldn't have children and as much as she'd encouraged Farkle to find a more suitable mate, one who could provide him children, brilliant children, he denied her. He had stayed by her side, and was at her side once more. 

"Are you nervous?" She heard him ask, taking her hand and squeezing it tightly. 

"Why would I be nervous?" She asked, her voice cold, clinical

"The likelihood of us acquiring a child from this is relatively high, we are a well off, straight, wealthy family with a well known name. They would be stupid not to grant us rights over a baby." She rambled. 

"Babe." Farkle's voice was soft. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she knew that he knew her better than to believe what she was saying. 

"Okay yes! Despite having now good reason, I am freaking out!" She exclaimed, turning into his open arms. 

"Oh Smackle, it's okay. We'll be okay." He said, his voice soothing. 

"I know, I know." She said, looking up at him.

She touched the side of his face. 

"I hope you are aware that I love you very much." She said sincerely. 

He smiled at her. "I love you too Smackle."


"So you two are looking to become parents?" The woman across the desk asked formally. 

It was Farkle who answered. "Yes, we were looking to adopt a baby, hopefully newborn if it were at all possible." He said, flashing her a smile. 

"Well we don't have any babies at the moment, but we are always looking to provide children with stable homes, so if anything comes up you will be the first to be informed." 

Smackle felt her heart sink. 

"You don't have any babies?" She said, her voice childlike. Farkle had never heard her speak like that, she sounded broken. 

"Not at the moment mam." The woman replied. 

"Thank you for your time." Farkle said, standing and grabbing Smackle by the arm. 

"Come on baby." He said softly. 

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