Lucaya- Mr. Perfect?

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Maya Hart sat in her shabby New York apartment drawing. She smiled as she finished filling in her best friends cheekbones.

Her drawings always had a way of telling her things, about people usually and as Maya finished drawing her best friend she learnt something.

Riley was perfect, every lines on her face was perfect, her eyes were perfect, her nose was perfect. God damn it! Even her smile was perfect.

She was perfect and Maya hated it.

Sighing she turned to a fresh page and closed her eyes, the boy behind her eyelids instantly giving her inspiration.

They were 16 now and Maya knew that her feelings for Lucas were more than that of a friend.

She could never tell Riley that though, it was crush her friend, her beautiful perfect friend.

As Maya sketched she began to sing, a song about Lucas of all things.

"Hey Mr. Perfect I haven't seen you around, you gotta smiiiile that just brightens up town." She hummed to herself.

She jumped when she heard someone clear their throat.

She looked up.

"Lucas?!" She shouted throwing her sketch pad across the room. She cursed herself for leaving the door unlocked.

The boy laughed. "Hey." He said looking at her, he always loved to look at Maya.

He knew it was wrong, he knew that he should be in love with the perfect princess that was Riley Mathews.

But something kept drawing him here. He realised quote some time ago that Maya was like a piece of artwork, not many people really understood her, but she wasn't supposed to be beautiful, she was supposed to make you feel something.

And Lucas felt something.

Maya took a deep breath and composed herself. "What do you want ranger rick?" She said with a shaky laugh.

"You were singing?" He asked looking down at the sketch book that lay near his feet.

"And drawing?"

Maya cleared her throat.

"I'm a woman on many talents." She said walking into the kitchen.

Lucas followed, picking up the sketch pad on his way.

He looked at the drawings inside. He flipped the page to Riley, she had perfect written on her forehead, he flipped again and saw Josh, again perfect was tattooed across his forehead.

He continued flipping through all of the Mathews, Cory, Topanga, even Auggie had perfect written across his forehead.

After the Mathews there was Farkle and Smackle standing together holding hands. The word whole was written above them. Lucas guessed that Maya envied there relationship, she envied how they made each other better.

She envied their love.

He flipped the page again and stood still.

On the page was a drawing of Maya and her mother, both had broken written across their forehead.

He sighed and flipped again.

He was taken back, it was a picture of himself. The words Mr. Perfect had been written and erased several times.

Now all that was on his forehead was 'Mr.Perfect?'.

He looked up to see Maya staring at him.

She placed the bowl of chips and two cokes she'd retrieved from the kitchen on the table.

"Wha-" Lucas began to question but Maya cut him off.

"I couldn't decide if you were actually perfect. You see, for Riley you're perfect. At school, you're perfect. But when you come over here, like you are now, something crumbles away. You laugh and joke and swear and just have fun." Maya explained moving closer to him.

"You're not perfect." She said looking up at him.

"I try so hard to be." Lucas said stiffly, dropping the notebook on the floor.

He'd never been this close to Maya before.

He noticed the little silver streaks in her eyes, he noticed the crease between her forehead she got when she was begin serious, he noticed her soft pink lips-

Lucas took a step back, he couldn't, he had an 'unofficial thing' with Riley still.

Whatever the hell that meant.

"I guess I try to tell myself that you're not perfect." She said placing her hands on his shoulders.

Lucas took in a sharp breath.

"Because if you were perfect you could never fall for me. And I need to believe that there is even the slightest chance that you and I could one day be together." Maya said quickly.

She didn't know why she was confessing this to him. She was lost in his blue green eyes.

"Maya I'm not perfect." He whispered touching her face once.

"I'm not Riley's prince, I refuse to be." He said sternly.

"So you're not a prince?" Maya asked, laughter in her voice.

"No." Lucas said putting his head down, he was almost ashamed of not being perfect.

"Good because I'm not a princess." Maya said suddenly serious.

She took his face with her hands and kissed him fiercely.

His hands automatically wrapped around her waist.

"I'm. Not. Perfect." Lucas whispered in between kisses.

Maya smiled against his lips.

"I believe you."

The next day Maya's art was different, she drew with love and lust and passion .

Her art teacher was astounded by her improvement and as she saw Maya staring across the room to the boy with the blonde hair she knew exactly why.

Maya was in love.

Maya was in love with Mr. Perfect.

Well, he was perfect for her.

He fixed the broken pieces of her soul.

Maya smiled and finished her drawing, a sketch of two people kissing the way she and Lucas would kiss.

Their kiss yesterday played in the back of her mind.

"I'm not perfect."

"I believe you."

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