Rucas- Honeymoon

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Riley woke to the sound of her new husband yelling profanities at an inanimate object.

She laughed, feeling the sheets of their hotel bed with her fingers.

"Need some help?" She called, fiddling with the wedding ring that sat new on her finger.

"They gave us a broken waffle maker!" Lucas yelled trying to work the kitchen appliance the hotel had supplied.

It currently wouldn't close and the mixture was spilling out the sides.

Lucas was just about to give up when Riley sauntered out of the bedroom, she wore a short black Victoria Secret night gown.

His eyes just about burst from his head, she looked amazing.

Laughing Riley took Lucas's hand in her own.

"You have to flip this switch." Riley explained guiding him to the spot and using pressure to make his hand hit the button.

Lucas always loved the way Riley's hands felt against his skin. She had an amazingly soft touch.

Lucas turned around and kissed Riley softly. "Show off." He murmured against her lips.

She pulled away laughing. "You're just jealous of my amazing cooking skills." She said pulling out two perfectly cooked waffles.

She placed them on plates and wiped the mess from around the side of the waffle maker.

"That's how it's done." She smirked moving toward Lucas. He was shirtless only wearing a pair of black boxers.

Matching! She thought childishly.

She placed her hands in his chest and he looked at her with complete bedazzlement.

"How in the world did you-" he began but he was cut off by Riley kissing him passionately.

He wrapped his hands around her waist, feeling the skin under her night gown.

She laughed kissing him again. She wanted to soak up every last bit of Lucas she could before they left,

The were in Paris after all.

"May we return to the honeymoon suite?" Lucas asked, his kisses trailing down Riley's neck.

She suppressed a moan. "Our waffles will get cold." She laughed quietly.

"Does it look like I care?" Lucas replied scooping her into his arms and carrying her bridal style into the bedroom.


Riley pulled her jacket closer around her, it was so cold in Europe.

Lucas laughed at her chattering teeth and wrapped his arms around her.

"Better?" He asked gazing at her like she was what made the sun rise in the morning. He always looked at her like this, like she was special, important.

Riley smirked. "Not yet." She replied taking her cold hands and placing them under the hem of his shirt.

His warm skin warmed her hands. "Better." She laughed kissing him softly.

Lucas, being a good guy surrendered, letting her use his flat stomach as a heater. "Glad you're warm." He joked kissing her softly.

They'd been inseparable since they arrived in Paris 4 days ago, it was incredible, the atmosphere was that of love and chocolate. Riley smiled goofily, she'd always loved chocolate.

"Babe look there's the Eiffel Tower!" Lucas called, grabbing her attention.

She smiled. "I've always wanted a picture in front of the Eiffel Tower!" She exclaimed speeding up her walking.

"Riles slow down!" Lucas laughed, he being dragged by Riley's excitement.

And then they were standing in front of the Eiffel Tower. "Yaaaay!" Riley exclaimed using her usual excited tone.

"Photo?" She asked biting her lip excitedly.

"Photo!" Lucas laughed taking his phone from his pocket.

Riley handed Lucas's phone to a stranger who'd agreed to take a photo of them, they were both smiling but at the last minute Riley turned, placing a soft kiss on Lucas's lips.

The camera snapped, getting the beautiful picture that Riley had always imagined.

"Bonjour Lucas!" Riley laughed, taking the phone back from the stranger and returning to his arms.

"Bonjour Riley," he began, wrapping his strong hands around her waist again.

"Peut-étre un jour moi et vous serez Paris à ensemble." He spoke fluently, gazing into her eyes.

Riley smiled; she knew what the meant.

Maybe one day, me and you will be in Paris together.

She laughed at the memory, kissing him again. She'd never believed she'd end up marrying Lucas let alone going to Paris with him.

But here they were;

Together in Paris.

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