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Darby Walker stood in front of her English class and read the poem they were told to write.

"I found God," she began but Lucas wasn't listening, he was staring at the way the light bounced around on her face.

He was looking at how her eyes grew impossibly wide when she was nervous and got stage fright.

He was staring at the way her lips were infinitely more beautiful when she was reading something she was passionate about.

He forced himself to look away, he shouldn't be thinking about her.

He has an unofficial thing with Riley.

Whatever the hell that means?

He turned back just in time to hear Darby mutter the final words in her poem.

"I found him in a lover." She whispered before falling to the ground.

Lucas almost laughed, she was so nervous she'd passed out.

He got out of his chair and joined the crowd of people standing around her.

"I'll take her to the nurse Mam." Lucas offered, hitching one hand underneath Darby's legs and the other carefully under her head.

He lifted her slowly.

"Thank you Lucas." The teacher said allowing them to leave.

Lucas was surprised by his own strength, he was 16 now but that didn't account for the fact he had been carrying Darby across the school for about 15 minutes and hadn't even broken a sweat.

He was just walking up the steps to the nurses office when Darby came to.

She stirred in his arms and he looked down. In that moment he wanted nothing more than to touch his lips to hers.


Darby looked up to see Lucas Friar carrying her, she wanted to squeal!

She'd had a huge crush on his since God knows when.

"Hey it's okay." Lucas said, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"What happened?" She asked as Lucas knocked on the door of the infirmary.

"You passed out." He said with a slight chuckle.

"Remind me to hit you for that later." Darby whispered, falling unconscious again.


"Mr. Friar you must return to class!" Darby heard the nurse scream.

"If you think I'm leaving her alone you are dead wrong!" Lucas yelled back.

Darby smiled, he was defending her.

She knew Lucas was far from perfect, unlike Riley, she accepted his anger and secrets as a part of who he was.

But he would never know that.

Darby stood and moved toward the door.

She opened it. "Would everybody stop yelling?!" She asked angrily.

She saw Lucas flash her a brilliant smile and almost passed out again.

"You're awake!" He exclaimed excitedly .

"Yeah, I guess." She laughed, she'd always been a little socially awkward.

Especially around cute boys.

"She'll need to stay here for observation." The nurse said rudely.

"Please let him stay." Darby begged, she looked up, she didn't want Lucas to know she had a crush on him.

I mean Maya would kill her. She smiled to herself. Did Lucas even know that Maya was in love with him?

Lucas just smiled. "Please mam?" He asked his southern accent making her swoon.

"Fine." The woman said moving aside so that Lucas could get in.

"I will be back in 20 minutes to check on you dear, there is a kid on the oval with a sprained ankle that I need to attend to." The nurse explained leaving the room.

Lucas smiled, this was he chance.

He stopped himself.

What was he thinking!  

He watched as Darby say back down on the bed.

He sat next to her nervously.

"You feeling okay?" He asked worriedly, he touched her hand.

Darby looked down shocked, her hand felt like it was on fire. But in a good way. 

Lucas laughed. "You felt that too?" He asked shocked.

Darby nodded, speechless.

"What about this?" He asked her, touching her face softly.

She placed her hand over his, keeping him there. She'd never felt anything like his touch.

He laughed again and she smiled up at him. He knew he felt it too.

Darby smiled, a huge corny grin.

"What about this?" She asked leaning forward and placing her lips on his forehead.

She pulled away and Lucas touched his forehead in shock. It had felt like fireworks when her lips had touched his forehead.

"Stop teasing me." Lucas whisper before kissing her passionately.

There lips touched and Darby wrapped her hands around his neck.

Forcing their kiss to be longer.

It felt so right to kiss her. Lucas thought as she pulled back.

She bit her lip.

"Lucas." She said quietly.

She hated what she had to do neck but she knew she had to.

"What is it?" He said the smile fading slowly from his face.

"Maya likes you, you have a thing with Riley and I'm pretty sure every girl in the school is in love with you. What makes me so different?" She asked hurriedly, anxious to get all the words out.

Lucas was taken back. He touched her hand again.

"Let's just say this feeling, is what makes you so different." He said kissing her again.

This time Darby melted into him, the words of her poem playing in her mind as she kissed the guy she never thought she would.

I found God, I found him in a lover.

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