Riarkle- You're all I want

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Farkle Minkus, 16 years of age, tall, brunette, dazzling blue eyes.

Riley Mathews stared at her friend as he wrote down notes aggressively.

They were in math and it was three days before the final, but Riley couldn't focus, all she could focus on was him.

He's been ignoring me for days! Riley thought angrily.

Since his break up with Smackle he's been avoiding almost everyone, he won't even let Lucas, his best friend, console him.

"Miss Mathews?" She heard the teachers voice call.

She looked up to see the teacher staring across the classroom at her angrily.

"Would you please tell me the answer to this equation?" The teacher boomed.

Riley stared at the bored confused.

"32." she heard someone cough.

She smiled at the unidentifiable cough.

"32 miss." She said carefully.

The teacher sighed. "Correct."

Riley smiled and turned to look at her classmates, they all had their heads down in their books.

Except one boy, Farkle Minkus, smiling back at her.


Farkle slammed his locker shut with an almighty bang, he was angry all of the time these days. He and Smackle had been together for 3 years until she ended it, leaving him completely heartbroken.

He squeezed his eyes shut but the memories still invaded his mind.

"No Farkle, you listen!" Smackle yelled angrily. Farkle was taken back, his girlfriend never yelled.

"Smackle please." He pleaded taking her hands in his own.

"It's not like that." He reasoned.

"You have told her you loved her more then once, it's clear that she loves you, what is there to understand!" She screamed.

"Riley and I are FRIENDS!" Farkle shouted, his emotions getting the best of him.

How could she think he was cheating on her?

"I don't think Riley feels the same way." Smackle murmur, tears in her eyes.

She pulled her glasses off, wiping her eyes.

"Baby don't cry." Farkle said taking her face softly.

"No Farkle." She said pulling away.

"I know how many times you've comforted her like this! You two are better off together! Don't let me stop you!" She yelled, turning to exit the school.

Farkle grabbed her arm. "Don't do this." He said desperately. "Don't leave me."

Smackle yanked her arm away.

"It's too late, we're already done."

The words played out in Farkle's mind, he hadn't been able to talk to Riley since. She was the reason they broke up, of course it wasn't her fault, she couldn't help that he had feelings for her.

He stopped himself, gripping a locker.

Did he have feelings for her?

Of course he loved her, but was it something more then that, did he want her in the way Smackle assumed he did.

He thought of Riley, all they had been through together.

She had come to his house after he told her over the phone that he and Smackle had broken up, even when he told her not to.

She had opened the door, greeted his family and marched straight into his room, pulling him into her arms.

Yes. He thought quietly, a small smile appearing on his face. I love her.

He let his smile grow when he heard Riley's voice behind him.

"Farkle?" She asked tentatively.

He turned slowly, to see her standing there with tears in her eyes.

The school was mostly deserted by now, an occasional few students passing.

Soon they were completely alone.

He rushed toward her, wiping a tear that had managed to escape.

"Why are you crying?" He asked softly.

She laughed through tears. "Because I think I lost the only man who has ever actually loved me." She said softly.

Farkle stood there, stunned.

"Riley I-" he was cut off by the sound of her voice again.

"No, let me finish, I love you Farkle, and not as a friend, it's different now, after the whole mess with Lucas I finally saw who was there for me all along." She stopped her.

"You." She said hesitantly.

Farkle couldn't believe his ears.

Was it possible she felt the same way for him as he did for her?

"And I know you don't want me but-" Riley was cut off by Farkle lips of her own.

She gasped under his touch but soon relaxed into his kiss.

Farkle pulled away, smiling at Riley.

"You're all that I want." Is all he said before pulling her into another warm kiss.

"I love you Farkle Minkus." Riley said softly, touching the boys face.

Farkle took her hand that was resting on his face and kissed it softly.

"I love you too Riley Mathews."

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