Rucas- Surrogate Maya

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Maya was sitting on the couch under a heavy blanket.

It was winter and the cold ripped through her house like a storm. Well it wasn't really her house, she'd been living with Lucas and Riley for 5 years now.

Lucas and Riley were married 3 years ago, she was always jealous of them. Her relationship with Zay lasted for 2 years before they split and Maya ended up without a home.

"The Friar's" gladly took her in and said she could stay as long as she liked but honestly Maya was getting annoyed.

They did so much for her and she's never been able to repay them. She hated owing people.

She was just about to stand up to make dinner when Riley ran through the door her face wet with tears.

She ran straight past Maya and into her bedroom.

Maya got to her feet and followed her quickly.

She heard Ranger Rick run through the door. "Riley!" He called and followed Maya in the room.

Riley lay on the bed, her face down and her body being wracked by sobs.

"Riley babe." Lucas said quickly pulling Riley into his arms and stroking her hair. She clung to his chest.

Maya was confused. She saw Lucas wipe a tear away and knew something was very wrong.

"Lucas what is going on?" Maya asked, her throat thick with worry.

Lucas didn't reply, he just stared at Maya. He didn't want to say the words, saying it made it real.

"Riles?" Maya asked placing a hand on Riley's back.

Riley sat up and wiped her eyes. She sniffled, struggling to come to terms with what happened.

"You know how Lucas and I have been trying to have a baby for ages?" Riley began, a sob wracking her body.

Maya did know. All Riley and Lucas wanted was a baby, it was their dream.

"Yeah?" Maya said hesitantly.

"Well we went to the doctors today.." Riley continued, tears streaming down her face.

"Yeah?" Maya said again, waiting for what she knew was coming.

"I can't have kids Maya." She sobbed turning back into Lucas's arms.

He stroked her hair.

"I'm sorry I failed you." Riley sobbed into Lucas's chest.

"Hey. No. You didn't fail." He said taking her face in his hands and kissing her.

"We'll find another way to have a baby." He said stroking Riley's face.

Maya's head was reeling. She knew what she had to do, she knew how she would repay them for everything they did for her.

"I'll have your baby." Maya burst out.

*9 months later*

"Why did I let you talk me into this!?" Maya screamed as another contraction hit her. She and Riley were sitting in the back of the car while Lucas was driving at a reckless speed.

"Your idea!" Riley said nervously. She was a wreck, her baby was hours from being born.

"Not. Time. For. Sass!" Maya yelled, trying to breathe away the pain of contractions.

Riley grabbed Maya's hand tightly. "I know Maya, I'm sorry." She said soothingly.

Maya's contractions were growing closer and closer together, Riley worried they wouldn't make it to the hospital on time.

Maya screamed again, her pains growing stronger.

"We're here!" Lucas yelled anxiously from the front seat.

He ran around to Maya's door and pulled her out and into his arms. She was breathing heavily, another pain striking her abdomen.

"Hey it's okay." He said stroking her hair, although there was nothing romantic between he really loved her and appreciated her for what she was doing for them.

She was giving them a family.

Riley followed worriedly, carrying Maya's hospital bags.

They reached the door. "Hello!" Riley called, running ahead of them.

"My friend is having a baby." She explained to the nurse in front of her.

The nursed fetched a wheelchair and Lucas put Maya in the chair.

She breathed out heavily before looking up at Riley.

To her surprised Maya smiled. "Let's go have a baby."


"Okay the baby is almost here but you are going to need to push hard now." The doctor explained to Maya.

She grunted in agreement. Riley held her hand tight and Lucas stood beside Riley. He had his hand gently on her back.

Riley smiled, there baby was seconds away from being born.

Maya pushed. Hard. She knew this was the last moment of pain. Relief washed over her as the baby cried.

She smiled, it was over.

The doctor cut the cord and handed the baby to Riley, the baby's real mother.

Riley smiled wide, tears in her eyes.

"She gorgeous!" She exclaimed kissing the babies tiny nose.

Lucas laughed, tears in his eyes as well. "She looks like you Riles." He said kissing his wife on the cheek before kissing the baby. They had used IVF to make sure it was Riley and Lucas's baby.

Riley put the baby in Maya's arms. She smiled. "My gift to you guys." She said looking up at Riley and cradling the tiny baby girl gently in her arms.

She looked back down at the baby, she had Lucas's bright green eyes, Riley's dark hair and like Riley the baby girl was already smiling.

"What are you gunna call her?" Maya asked looking up at the couple.

They were beaming down at their little girl. Riley's smile grew impossibly wider.

"Maya," she said happily, looking at her best friend. Her best friend that fulfilled her life long wish;

To be a mom.

"We're going to call her Maya."

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