Joshaya- Comfort

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"Maya we've done this once already! He called you one name and you call him thousands!" Riley yelled, trying to reason with Maya who was angry at Lucas once again.

It was the same principle just 3 years later, they were in high school now and Lucas was Riley's boyfriend.

"Why are you defending him?!" Maya screamed. They stood in Riley's room, arguing as they usually did when it came to Lucas.

"Because you're wrong! You're always wrong! This is how we end up in these messes!" Riley yelled, she'd totally lost all control of what was coming out of her mouth.

As soon as she'd said it she felt guilty.

"Oh Maya." She began but Maya had bolted from the room.

Riley sat on the bed and put her head in her hands, wishing the her best friend would just forgive her. But that was not in Maya's nature.


Maya rushed out of the Mathews's household, ignoring the frantic calls from Riley's mother Topanga.

She was halfway to the elevator when she smacked into someone. The male voice grunted, instinctively grabbing Maya's elbow so she didn't fall.

When she looked up to thank the stranger she realised he was no stranger at all.

"Josh." She whispered, shocked.

Josh looked at her, his blue eyes fixating on the tears that were spread across her cheeks

"Are you crying?" He asked wiping the tear away from her eye softly.

"No." Maya lied, looking down ashamed.

"You are." He said his voice full of concern.

"I'm fine." She said keeping her head down and brushing past him.

He followed her into the elevator. "Maya," he began, his tone slightly agitated.

Somehow a smile found its way to his face. "Tell uncle boing what's wrong." He joked.

Maya managed a small laugh that was followed by a sad sniffle.

"I just have to get home." She said rushing out of the elevator and out onto the street.

"Maya!" Josh called rushing after her.

"What?!" Maya burst angrily, tears falling down her face.

"Tell me what is wrong!" He yelled catching up to her.

For a minute he didn't think of the age different or the fact that she was Riley's friend, he just pulled her into his arms.

"Riley and I are fighting." Maya murmured sadly into Josh's chest.

Josh stroked Maya's blonde hair once.

"Tell me all about it while I walk you home." He said placing his hand on the small of Maya's pack and leading her toward the direction of her house.


"And I know she loves him but sometimes she needs to take my side." Maya rambled as they walked down the street, they were close to her street now and her sadness was beginning to wear off. She started wondering about Josh, why was he here, after 3 years was she finally old enough.

She was turning 18 soon and he 21. Maybe just maybe, they had a shot.

"I would take your side." Josh said turning to face Maya.

She was shocked. Was he flirting with her?

Their face grew closer together. "Josh." She whispered.

Josh moving even closer, thought about how good his name sounded when she said it.

Suddenly desperate he moved the space between them quickly.

And then they were kissing, Maya's hands went automatically around Josh's neck.

He placed his hands on either side of her face, making their kiss last longer.

Soon they pulled away. Maya laughed completely forgetting she was mad, she felt giddy, as soon as she got home should would call Riley and forgive her.

Her heart stopped.


Riley who had forbid them to date on the grounds that he was her uncle and rightly so.

"Riley's gunna flip." Maya laughed kissing Josh softly again. She knew she would never get enough of that fluttery feeling she got in her chest when he kissed her.

"She'll come around." Josh murmured against her lips.

Maya forgot everything again, hell she even forgot her own name!

"Good." She murmured as they kissed once more.

Josh smiles cheekily.

"So good." He said.

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