Rilaya- First kiss

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Riley and Maya sat in the window bay like a thousand times before, but this time everything was different.

"He broke up with me Riley." Maya said sadly, her eyes brimming with tears and emotions that Maya rarely showed.

Riley placed her hand comfortingly on Maya's back.

"I'm so sorry Maya." Riley said referring to Lucas and Maya's messy breakup.

In some strange way though, Riley wasn't sorry. She'd been having feelings lately impossible to describe.

Did she love Maya? Of course she did!

But this seemed different, she didn't know a word to describe the feeling in her chest when she saw Lucas and Maya together. Was it jealously?

Was she jealous of Maya? Or jealous of Lucas.

"We were going so well." Maya sighed, her voice cracking. "8 months this weekend." She turned and sobbed into Riley's open arms.

Seeing this side of Maya only made Riley love her more. But it made everything else more complicated.

Riley thought about the last 8 months. She's had this strange jealous feeling since the first time Lucas and Maya kissed. She'd assumed that she was just protective of her friend but this was different.

And deep down she knew it.

"We've both had our hearts broken by him now." Riley said, worrying she had made the situation worse she pulled Maya into a tighter hug.

Maya sobbed. "I wasn't good enough." She choked.

Riley was suddenly fuming, she grabbed Maya chin with her hand and tilted upwards so their eyes were level.

"Don't you dare say that!" Riley began, staring into Maya's soft blue eyes.

Maya sighed. "You know it's true." She said.

Riley wanted to scream. "You're perfect Maya!" She yelled, their faces growing closer together.

"Don't ever let anyone tell you different." She whispered.

"Riley." Maya whispered moving toward the brunette slowly.

Suddenly their lips were inches apart.

Riley was shocked, she expected one of them to pull away but neither of them did.

Their lips collided and it felt like fireworks,

No not fireworks! Riley thought placing both of her hands on Maya's face as they continued to kiss.

It felt like sunshine. She corrected herself inwardly. It was soft and warm and she knew she couldn't live without it.

Maya laughed against Riley lips. "I love you." She said softly.

Riley pulled away, looking at the girl she loved.

This is what she was looking for, she knew now what she was feeling was love for Maya. Genuine and pure.

"I love you too Maya." She whispered, beaming.

Maya smiled back. She realised it never felt right with Lucas;

And now she knew why.

"What do we do now?" Maya asked softly, all the worry about what people would think washing over her at once.

"This." Riley whispered kissing Maya softly again.

All Maya's doubts washed away at Riley's touch.

This was right.

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