A larkle date

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Lucas Friar walked down the street, hand in hand with the unexpected love of his life.

Farkle Friar smiled, though Christmas had just passed he could still feel the cheer radiating from his husband.

Lucas Friar loved Christmas.

Farkle placed his head on his husbands shoulder, breathing in deeply, he never thought he'd love someone as much as he loved Lucas.

"Babe, we need to pick up the pace of we're going to pick Lily up from kindergarten and drop her at the sitters by 5." Lucas said quietly.

Farkle checked his watch, realising that it was in fact already 4:20pm he tugged on his husbands hand and ran down the road toward the kindergartens entrance.

Lucas pushed the door open and the bell rang, the small amount of children left in the room all turned to look.

"Dada!" Lily screamed, getting up at running into Lucas's arms.

Farkle couldn't help but be a little jealous, Lily had always liked Lucas more.

Lucas kissed his little girls forehead, spinning her around in his arms like he didn't see her 6 hours ago.

The look on Lucas's face was enough to quiet all of Farkle's worries.

"Daddy!" Lily exclaimed reaching toward Farkle.

He took his daughter into his long arms and squeezed her tight before placing her gently on the ground.

Once their Lily took both of her father's hands and walked between them as they left the building.

"How was your day gorgeous?" Lucas asked softly as they walked down the street toward their car.

"Good, I did a drawing of-" Lily began but was cut off by the sound of shouting.

"Queers!" The man shouted from his car.

Lily began to cry at the loud noise.

Farkle pulled his daughter into his arms clinging her tightly, just as shaken by the remark.

It's not like this didn't happen to them often, but Farkle thought that things should be different.

We're a new world, where people are excepted almost everywhere for being different.

Whether you were gay, transgender or black, this was a new world.

Or at least it was supposed to be.

Farkle stared at his husband, his hands were clenched by his side and his eyes were shut tightly.

Farkle's heart broke when he watched a tear roll down his husbands cheek.

"It's not fair." Lucas said, his voice husky.

"But wove is wove right dada?" Lily asked worming her way out of Farkle's arms and moving to hug her father's legs.

Lucas looked down at his baby girl and smiled, she was already smarted then him.

"Yeah baby girl." He said quietly.

"Love is love."


That night Farkle and Lucas went out, they hand been planning date night ever since Lily was a baby.

Every second Saturday night they would go to their favourite place in the city.

It was a library, a small one at that but it was the place they had shared their first kiss.

"Farkle I don't want to be with either of them!" Lucas yelled, slamming his fist down onto the table.

"Hey, it's okay, you don't have to choose." Farkle said touching the other boys hand.

Forgetting that Lucas didn't like Farkle the way Farkle liked Lucas he pulled his hand away quickly, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

Lucas looked over at him and smiled. "I choose you." He said taking Farkle's face in his hands and kissing him softly.

Farkle had never felt that way about anyone, he knew that Isadora had just been a distraction. He was meant to be with Lucas.

Farkle smiled, the memory washing over him gently.

They had brought Chinese take out into the library and were sitting in the back eating peacefully while reading Twilight of all things.

"I don't understand why Jacob and Edward didn't just get together?" Lucas said tilting his head to the side adorably.

Farkle laughed aloud.

"Not everyone is like us." Farkle said softly, touching his husbands hand.

Lucas looked up from the book and smiled cheekily.

"That's what makes us special." He said kissing his husband softly.

Farkle pulled away with a laugh, snatching the book from Lucas's hands.

"You know what you're right, they should be together." Farkle said softly.

Lucas kissed him again, letting their foreheads rest against each other.

"I'll call Stephanie Meyer." He said with a laugh.

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