Riarkle- I'll always protect you.

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*trigger warning- domestic violence*

"Riley where do you think you're going!" Riley heard his booming voice before she saw him, his eyes filled with rage.

"Don't come near me Charlie!" She screamed, pressing her body against the wall.

"What the fuck is this!" He exclaimed, shoving her phone in her face.

On the screen was a message from Farkle.

Hey smiley Riley how are things on the Upper West Side? Maybe we should catch up, get a drink? ;)

"It's nothing!" She cried.

He took a step forward.

Riley flinched.

She shut her eyes.

Her hands shaking.

She heard a crack, a shattering.

Glass fell from above her head.

She screamed, as a fragment tore at her soft skin.

"Shut up!" He demanded.

"5 years I've been dealing with your shit Riley. You're 20 years old. Start acting like it!"

She choked back a sob.

The girl didn't even have time to flinch before his hand struck the side of her face.


She fell to the floor, a heap of sobs. Willing herself to stand up to him. It's not like it was the first time. Or the second or third.

The thing about abuse though, is that it has a way of convincing you you deserve it. That it's your fault.

"Don't be so dramatic. I'll be at the bar." He stalked away, glass crunching under his feet.

Riley stood up, searing pain ripping through her legs.

She realised she'd fallen into the glass.

She rushed over to the land line. Intent on calling the police.

But she couldn't.

Despite everything he had done she still loved him.

He had been her first.

She thought he'd be her last. She thought that they'd be together forever.

Instead she called Farkle, she typed his number, one she remembered off by heart, into the keypad.

"Farkle Minkus industries, Colette speaking."

"Hey Col can I please speak to Farkle please- um it's Riley. Please." She tried so hard not to cry.

"Mr. Minkus is in a meeting right now." She replied.

"Tell him it's me Col. please." She whispered.

Colette sighed.



Farkle Minkus was in the middle of an incredibly important meeting. One that could determine the future of Farkle Minkus industries.

But as soon a Colette told Farkle that Riley was on the phone, and crying, he abandoned it, and took off down the street in search of a cab.

He was there within ten minutes.

He noticed that the door had been left open.

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