Rilaya vs IKEA

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"RILEY!" Maya yelled furiously.

"Yes babe?" Riley asked sweetly, walking into the room.

Maya looked up at her wife. Riley had their son on her back and their new born daughter Storm strapped to her chest.

"I can't find the Allen key!" Maya moaned flopping back onto the ground.

This was the first time that they had ever put together IKEA furniture and it was not going so well.

Baby Storm had been sleeping in her travel crib for the last three days because they hadn't been able to put it together.

"This is so hard." Maya groaned, covering her eyes and trying not to look at the mess of washed wood and screw parts that lie in chaos around her.

"Well maybe-" Riley began handing her wife a glass of water.

"If you hadn't procrastinated and done it a week ago like you said you would, the baby would have a real crib." Riley said helping her son down off of her back.

"It's not my fault you went into labour 2 weeks early." Maya joked, sipping the water and lying back down, ignoring a digging in her back she assumed was a drill bit.

She heard Riley unclip the carrier that held Storm and soon the baby girl was lying in her mother's chest.

"Mama can I go play? She heard her son Alexander ask.

"Sure baby." Riley said kissing her sons cheek.

Riley moved over to lie next to her wife.

"We can do this." She whispered, kissing Maya's cheek.

"Can we?" Maya huffed. "Because so far I have nothing."

Riley say up determinedly and began placing pieces of wood in piles.

"Maya, sweetie, I love you but you need to be more organised." Riley said placing all of the 1's together and so on for all of the parts.

She then picked up the instructions and began to read.

Maya sat up, holding tightly to their daughter.

"What are those?" She said puzzled, leaning over the other girls shoulder.

Riley turned and kissed her wife. "God I love you." She said with a smile.


It was two more hours before the cot was assembled.

Riley and Maya stood above the cot, looking lovingly down on their daughter.

Storm gurgled adorably.

"I love you Riles." Maya said, placing her head in Riley's shoulder.

"I love you too Maya." She whispered.

"Thunder?" Maya said holding her finger out.

"Lighting." Riley said touching her finger to Maya's.

They looked down at their daughter, who's name made sense only to them and to those who were close to them.

They were thunder and lighting, together always and together they had the most beautiful daughter.

Maya went to fetch Alexander and together as a family they had dinner.

For the first time in her life Maya Hart was thankful for the life she had.

She was grateful for all the toil and judgement that had led her here, because she knew without it she wouldn't have Riley and in turn she wouldn't have her two beautiful children.

Alexander walked over to Storm's high hair and kissed her forehead.

"I love you Stormie." He said softly.

Riley smiled and took her wife's hand.

Yes, everything was perfect.

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