Lucaya- short au

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AU where The gang is 10 years older and Lucas's father dies, Riley is out of town and Farkle is always working. Only Maya is left to comfort him;

"I barely knew him Maya!" Lucas screamed, his rage bubbling at his father's untimely death.

He slid down the wall on his back. "He barely knew me." He said weaker this time.

Maya walked over to him, tears in her eyes. She hated seeing Lucas's pain.

She fell to her knees in front of him. She placed a hand on his leg.

"We are never going to get a chance to build a proper relationship." He choked and sobbed.

He placed his head in his hands. Maya watched helplessly as the boy she (secretly) loved fell apart.

She touched his face, moving it so he looked right into her big blue eyes.

She wiped a tear away from his cheek. "It's not your fault Lucas." She said quietly pulling him to his feet with her.

He fell into her arms and she held in tightly with her small frame.

"I'm so so sorry." She said over and over stroking the back of his neck.

He pulled back and looked at her. Her heart almost broke, his beautiful green eyes were red and puffy, surrounded by tears.

His next words shocked her;

"I'm not going to miss another chance at a relationship I want so badly." He whispered taking her face in his hands.

Maya breathed out deeply, her trembling hands wrapped around his waist.

He kissed her then, feeling as if all his troubles had washed away.

Maya laughed against his lips as she saw him smile. They were meant to be together.

And now he knew.

Fate had brought them together, Riley had Zay, Farkle had Smackle and now they had each other.

Everything was perfect.

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