Lucaya- Wedding

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Maya Hart paced around the small room of a little Texas church anxiously.

"Maya Hart stop pacing or I'm gonna have Lucas hog tie you to that chair!" Her mother exclaimed walking over to her daughter.

Maya pulled at her wedding dress nervously; what if she was making a mistake? What if Huckleberry wasn't the one?

"What's wrong with me mom?" Maya asked her mother.

Her mother laughed. "Cold feet sweetie." She said chirpily.

"But I waited what felt like an eternity for Lucas to propose! Why now am I having second thoughts?" She asked, her emotions wild.

"Wow this must be serious, you called Lucas, Lucas." Her mother laughed.

"Mom." Maya whined.

"Riley get out here and tell your best friend she has nothing to worry about!" Katy yelled to Riley who was working tirelessly on her hair and makeup.

Riley emerged from the dressing room, putting her earrings in hurriedly.

Maya smiled, her best friend looked really beautiful. She wore a long lilac gown, complementing her silver earrings and heels.

Although Maya had chosen the colour, Riley had chosen the style of her dress.

Riley was the made of honour, something both of them had dreamed about their entire lives (Maya in secret of course) and she would be accompanied by Zay, the ring bearer and her own husband. Lastly Farkle would be standing by Lucas' side, he was the best man, well at least Lucas seemed to think so.

Riley walked over to Maya, careful not to trip on her heels. Even at 25 the girl was still a superclutz, one of the things that made Maya love her even more.

Riley placed her hands on her best friends shoulders.

"Peaches, everything is going to be perfectly fine, you love Lucas, Lucas loves you. You're going to be so happy, I know I am." She said kissing her best friend on the cheek.

"Ready?" Riley asked excitedly.

Maya felt her heart skip a beat.



Lucas Friar stood at the alter of a small Texas church. He tugged at his collar nervously, the place was beginning to fill with people. Even Smackle was here, watching her boyfriend be best man.

Farkle Minkus whacked his best friends hand away from his collar, fed up with his nervousness.

Lucas had waited his entire life to marry Maya. What was the problem?

Lucas looked up at his best friend, shocked.

"Quit fidgeting!" Farkle whispered angrily.

"Easy for you to say, you aren't getting married." Lucas shot back, biting his lip.

"You're getting married to Maya Hart, don't be nervous dude." Farkle said hitting his friend on the shoulder playfully.

"You're right I just gotta-" Lucas was cut off by the sound of the wedding march.

He tried to swallow the lump in his throat.

"Here we go."


Riley walked into the church, her husband on her arm. Zay kissed her cheek as they entered.

Despite everything that Lucas and Riley had, it was over now and they were both undeniably happy with their partners.

It was a small ceremony, well what Riley called small. She wanted 200 guests; the 'Friars' settled for 50.

Riley and Zay took their places, smiling goofily at each other. Even 5 months after their wedding they were still in the honeymoon phase, complete uncompromising love.

Riley smiled over at Lucas and waved. Lucas chuckled and waved back. In a way she still loved Lucas, he was her first crush, first kiss, first love. But now she felt for him how a sister felt for a brother;




Maya Hart was absolutely the only person worthy of marrying Lucas, and she knew it.

The doors opened again and this time, the most beautiful girl Lucas Friar has ever laid eyes on stepped through the door accompanied by her proud mother.

Maya looked beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, like an angel, nothing seemed to fit the description.

She was perfect and Lucas felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

She poked her tongue out at him when their eyes met. Such a Maya thing to do, Lucas thought.

Then they were face to face, saying their vows, proclaiming their undying love to the 50 people who occupied the chapel.

"Maya Hart, do you take this man, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked Maya who was lost in her fiancé' blue eyes.

"I do." Maya said with a small adorable giggle.

"You never giggle." Lucas exclaimed tracing patterns on her hand with his thumb.

"I'm nervous!" Maya laughed, the whole chapel joined in.

"Do you Lucas Friar take Maya Hart to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"Well hell yeah! I mean have you seen her?" Lucas replied gesturing to his beautiful wife. Lucas didn't think he'd ever get used to that word.

Maya blushed.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Lucas pulled Maya into his arms, they kissed passionately while all of their closest friends clapped with joy.

Maya pulled away, looking at her husband. She would never get used to that word.

She touched his face, kissing him softly again.

"We're married!" Lucas exclaimed picking his bride up and spinning her around.

They kissed again, Maya had never been so happy.

"We're married!"

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