Rilaya- Coming out

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Riley paced the floor of her NewYork apartment bedroom quickly.

Maya grabbed her hand, forcing her to sit. "Sit down chump, you're making me nervous." Maya giggled.

Riley head whipped around and looked at Maya. "You never giggle." Riley said shocked.

"I'm nervous." Maya blushed looking down.

Riley took Maya's hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Me too, but we shouldn't be worried. Uncle Eric will help us in telling our parents." Riley reassured Maya, kissing her lips softly.

There was suddenly a knock that made both the girls jump. They were on edge, this was the first time they would tell anyone about them.

"Little Pangers! Moesha!" Eric yelled banging on the door heavily.

Riley sighed, Thank God her parents weren't there.

Maya stood, her whole body shaking, and walked to the door.

She flung it open and in walked Eric, who surprisingly was in a normal suit and tie. Maya smiled, I guess that was to be expected now that he was the President.

"What's up Moesha!" He laughed hugging her.

She squeezed him tightly back, her nerves getting the better of her.

"Hey Eric." She said quietly.

Riley stood walking over and taking her turn to hug her uncle.

He pulled away, suddenly serious.

"You sounded really nervous on the phone, is everything okay?" He asked a crease forming on his forehead.

Riley felt a tear roll down her cheek, she was suddenly emotional.

"We didn't know who else to go to!" She sobbed.

Maya wrapped her arms around Riley quickly and kissed her cheek hesitatingly, knowing Eric was watching.

"Oh." Is all Eric said. Maya was confused, it wasn't necessarily a bad 'oh'. He just seemed confused.

"Just tell him Riles." Maya said quietly.

Riley steadied herself and led her uncle over to the bay window.

When he was finally sitting she looked up at Maya, who gave her a nervous smile.

Riley found herself smiling. She turned to Eric, prepared now.

"Uncle Eric, Maya and I are together." She said hurriedly.

To her surprise her Uncle's face lit up. "That's great!" He exclaimed standing and pulling them into a death grip hug.

He sat back down. "I don't see the problem though? You said you needed my help?" He asked confused.

"How do we tell our parents?" Maya asked biting her thumb nail as she normally did when she was nervous.

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