Markle - unexpected

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Maya Hart sat uncomfortably in cold clinical waiting room. Part of her wanted to get up and run, she didn't want to face the fact that she was 22, single and possibly pregnant.

"Maya Hart?" She heard a nurse call.

Maya stood, her hands shaking and her heart pounding.

She walked over to the desk.

"Mr. Minkus will see you now." The lady said, pointing to a door with the number 12 on it.

Maya was so scared of what may happen in that room that she didn't even notice the familiar last name.

She pushed the door open.

Inside sat a older, more handsome Farkle Minkus, white coat and all.

His face lit up.

"Maya!" He exclaimed.

Maya's face fell.

"Farkle?" She questioned, her lips trembling.

For some reason completely unbeknown to Maya, she began to cry.

"Oh, oh Maya." Farkle said awkwardly, standing up and putting his arms around Maya.

At first the hug was stiff, but soon Maya buried her head in Farkle's shoulder, his arms around her tightened.

"Maya what's wrong?" He asked after a long silence.

"My whole life is falling apart!" She exclaimed.

"Oh Maya." He couldn't think of anything else to say.

He took her by the hand and led her toward the bed.

Maya sat, wiping her eyes. She was embarrassed, she couldn't believed she'd let herself get so upset. This is the first time she'd seen Farkle since they graduated and she was blubbering like a baby.

Farkle sat back in his seat.

"Maya what's wrong?" He asked, his voice sincere and worried.

Maya took a deep breath.

"I've missed two periods, I- I think I might be pregnant." She stuttered.

"Oh- oh, uh Josh?" Farkle questioned.

Maya's head dropped. "L-lucas." She whispered.

"Aren't Lucas and Riley married?" Farkle queried. He distanced himself for so long from his friends because of that very fact. He had wanted Riley, God had he wanted Riley, but she had always wanted Lucas.

Maya began to cry again. "Not anymore." She whimpered.

"Oh my God." Farkle's mind was blown.

"You slept with Lucas? While he and Riley were married?" His eyes were wide.

"Yes okay! You don't have to lecture me! I know I'm a horrible person and I know that I deserved for both of hem to shut me out! I deserved it! I deserve no friends! I deserve to have a baby on my own!" She yelled.

Farkle stood, grabbing Maya's hands.

"Maya it takes two people to make a baby, you're not entirely at fault and even so- people make mistakes all the time." Farkle tried to reassure her.

She smiled up at him.

"Thanks Farkle." She whispered.

He smiled down at her.

"Let's do the test, then we can see if you have anything to worry about." He said reassuringly.


He touched the side of her face.



"Okay so you should know within 24 hours." Farkle said as they arrived at Maya's door.

He had taken his lunch break early so that he could walk her home.

"Thank you so much Farkle." She said, wrapping her arms around his waist.

He kissed the top of her forehead.

"No problem, I'll brunet the results over tomorrow myself." He reassured her.

She looked up at him in awe, no one had cared for her this way in a long time.

"You would do that?" She asked.

"Of course I would." He chuckled.

Maya stood on her tip toes, gripped the sides of his face and kissed him.

"Thank you again." She whispered, opening the door and slipping inside, leaving Farkle speechless.


The next morning Farkle knocked on the door of Maya's apartment ready to tell her the news.

Maya answered, her blonde curly hair wild and her eyes tired.

"Hey." She said, forcing a smile.

"Hey." Farkle said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

She pulled him inside.

"Just tell me!" She squealed.

He handed her an envelope with the result inside. 

"Really?" She asked incredulously.

"Really." He said.

With trembling hands Maya opened the envelope.

"I'm not pregnant!" She exclaimed.

Farkle smiled.

"I'm not pregnant!" She said, jumping into his arms.

"Congratulations." Farkle laughed, smiling down at her.

He leant forward and pressed his lips against hers.

Maya smiled.

"Thank you." She whispered kissing him back.

"Thank you."

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