Zay- Captain of the lucaya ship

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Maya Hart,

Blonde hair,

Blue eyes,

And a determined, kick ass expression walked through the doors of John Quincy Adams high school with her friend Zay in toe.

"Can I ask what we are doing here so early?" Zay asked nervously.

"No you cannot." Maya chuckled at the boy. She had to admit he was growing on her.

It had taken three years but they were finally friends.

And Zay was gunna help her set up the perfect surprise for Lucas.

Little did Maya know Zay was also trying to help Lucas surprise Maya.

It was there three year anniversary today and Maya had  big plans for Lucas Friars locker.

"How did we even get in?" Zay asked, hiding his smirk from the blonde.

"I asked Mr. Mathews for the key." She laughed, moving toward locker 206.

Her boyfriends locker.

Three years and that word still made her feel fuzzy inside. Not that she would ever admit that to anyone.

"Well you're in luck, looks like no one else is here." Zay chuckled, whipping out his phone and sending a text to Lucas Friar.

"You're good to go" it read.

Maya went to Lucas's locker and proceeded to fill the inside with little confetti hearts.

This may seem corny and romantic to anyone else, but Maya had a sinister plan.

She had a confetti canon and would rig it to his locker door when he came to school later today confetti hearts would go everywhere.

Ironic, yet still meaningful. Maya Hart didn't put the much thought into just anyone.

Once Maya was finished her trap Zay chuckled.

"Hey, how about we go into the class room and stack the furniture against the door so Mathews can't get in?" He asked in a sinister attempt to get Maya inside.

"I knew there was a reason I lied you Zay." Maya chucked, walking through the door.

Zay knew to stay back.

As Maya pushed the door open she was bombarded.

Little paper hearts covered in glue rained down on her.

She screamed, then stopped, hearing an all too familiar laugh.

"Lucas Friar!" She yelled.

"Yes darling?" Lucas asked walking into her line of sight.

"May I ask what this is?" She said angrily, despite the evil smile on her face.

"A surprise?" Lucas said with an uncertain shrug.

Maya moved quickly toward the desk, pretending to cry and grabbed a bottle of red paint that sat there beckoning for her to use it.

"Maya are you-" Lucas began, genuinely worried about his girlfriend.

He was cut off when she turned spraying red paint all over his shirt, face and pants.

"Well so was that!" Maya exclaimed.

"Oh no you didn't!" Lucas laughed grabbing the blue paint beside her and spraying it all over the heart covered girl.

"I'm going to kill you!" She exclaimed determinedly, only to slip on paint and fall into her boyfriends arms.

Lucas Friar was not prepared to catch his girlfriend and they both landed on the floor with an almighty bang.

Zay walked in startled by the noise, but neither of them seemed to notice.

Maya was lying on top of Lucas who had his hands around her waist.

She touched the side of his paint covered face.

"Happy anniversary." Maya whispered.

Lucas laughed, wiping the paint off of his girlfriends cheek.

"I love you." He said clearly.

Maya smiled, she looked up at Zay before helping Lucas up off the ground.

She smiled at Zay. "I know what you did." She said before turning back to her boyfriend.

"And I love you too." She said reaching up on her tippy toes to kiss his mouth gently.

Zay smiled, walking out the door as his two friends kissed passionately, paint everywhere.

Zay swung the keys around his fingers once.

"My work here is done."

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