Joshaya- Betrayal

708 12 4

*trigger warning- mugging*

Maya Hart sat, sketching under a tree in Central Park.

She had her headphones in, feeling the music flow through her, extending from her pen onto the page.

Before she knew it an image began to form in front of her.

An image of someone she'd left a long time ago, and hadn't seen in years appeared before her.

She smiled, remembering her time with Josh. The 3 year romance they had shared and how it all came tumbling down, so quickly, when she'd fallen for Lucas.

A tear fell from Maya's cheek, and she reached down and touched her growing stomach.

Lucas had gotten her pregnant, and left, some veterinarian scholarship in England, he claimed, but Maya knew that he couldn't handle being a father, she was sure that she wasn't anything more than a fling to him. But she had let herself fall and now she had lost absolutely everyone she cared about.

Including Josh.

She was crying now, tears falling rapidly down her face, the sun was setting, and she quickly shoved all of her art supplies in her bag, zipping it tightly before walking home.

She felt herself, more than saw herself, pass Riley's house. She hadn't spoken to her since she had betrayed her Uncle, Josh, and she wished, more than anything to walk inside and sit down, like she had done so many times before and rant to Riley about anything and everything that troubled her.

She squeezed her eyes shut, and wiped away the tears, placing her arms over her stomach protectively.

"It's just you and me now ma little peach." She joked, feeling a sad smile trace across her lips.

The doctor told her by now the baby would be the size of a peach. Maya was quite taken with the nickname, just until she found something better.

Maya stopped on the sidewalk, about 5 paces from Riley's house. She let herself remember everything, all the good and all the bad. She had to let go of all of it.

Maya's heart stopped when she heard footsteps approach behind her, and a gun being cocked.

Her hand immediately fell to her stomach once more.

"Don't move." The stranger said, it was a woman's voice, menacing and cold.

"Please don't hurt me, I'm pregnant." Maya sobbed.

"Just hand over your bag, and no one gets hurt." The lady said, her voice was less sure, doubt lacing her tone.

Maya handed her bag over, knowing full well that it was filled to the brim with art supplies, and nothing more.

She heard the woman rifling through her things.

"This is all trash!" The last yelled, throwing the bag to the ground.

"Give me one reason, why I shouldn't kill you?" The woman screeched.

"Do it." Maya tempted, feeling her heart race, feeling every sadness she'd ever known, come back.

"I have no good reason, nobody cares about me, nobody would even know I was gone." She said softly.

The woman scowled.

"Give me your wallet." The woman bargained, her eyes welling up with tears, she didn't want to hurt Maya, but she was desperate, starving.

Maya handed it over; it was all but empty, a five dollar note was all that remained. Maya had been intending on using it for dinner. Her stomach was flipping now, she couldn't even imagine eating.

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