Zay and Maya (Friendship) -Joshaya

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"Zay!" Maya called, snapping her fingers in front of the new boys face.

Maya smiled, technically he wasn't the new boy anymore, I mean it had been two years.

But that didn't mean she would stop teasing him about it.

"Zay!" She tried again, slapping him in the back of the head.

He looked at her ruefully.

"What?" He said his cheeks glowing red with embarrassment.

"You should go talk to her." Maya said nudging the boy with her elbow.

They were in the cafeteria.

Riley and Lucas snuck out to get them good food from Topanaga's but Maya sensed they were sneaking off to be together.

Maya didn't really mind, her and Lucas were in the past.

Farkle must have been with Smackle again, she was new to the school, she did need to be shown around. That didn't stop Maya from giving him hell about it.

"Who?" Zay asked trying to mask his feelings.

"Darby, that girl you've been staring at for the last five minutes." Maya said bored, if he liked her he should go get her. Though who was she to talk.

She still had a crush on Josh and despite the fact that she was sixteen now he still didn't want to hear that she had feelings for him.

"You're too young." He's always say.

"I'm not staring." Zay blushed, the red a contrast to his chocolate skin.

Maya never liked to admit it but she found Zay attractive, she found all her friends attractive. Even Farkle.

"You so are." She laughed.

"What would I even say?" He sighed, looking longingly at the blonde who sat across the room.

Her and Yogi were done, a middle school romance that lasted all of five seconds. But that didn't mean there weren't other guys looking to be with her.

Zay knew he was one.

"Hi maybe." Maya said sarcastically.

"Hi?" Zay asks incredulously.





Maya went on, laughing between each of her suggestions.

"You know I hate you right?" Zay asked her, though he was smiling.

"I know you do." Maya smiled evilly, getting up and grabbing Zay by the arm.

He followed with complaint, there was no point resisting Maya.

To his surprise Maya sat down right in front of Darby, who was laughing with her friend.

"Hey Darby our friend ditched us can we spend lunch with you?"  Maya asked batting her eyelids innocently.

"Sure." Darby said her sweet voice making Zay blush.

Maya kicked him under the table as they sat down.

He looked at her angrily.

'Say hi' she mouthed.

"Hey Darby." Zay choked.

Darby laughed, looking the boy up and down.

"Hey Zay what's up?" She smiled.

He smiled back nervously.

"Nothing much, what about you?" He asked smoothly.

Maya was impressed.

Suddenly her phone beeped.

She whipped it out, looking at the screen.

The text was from the last person she would have expected.

Meet me out the front of your school- J


Maya stepped out the front door of her school and into the busy street.

She'd excused herself from the table leaving a very pleased Zay to continue his conversation with Darby.

Across the street stood the only person who could make her heart leap from her chest.

"Uncle boing." She murmured under her breath.

"Play it cool." She told herself, smoothing down her hair.

He looked up as she neared him, crossing the narrow street.

"Hey Josh." She said slowly.

"Hey Maya." He wrung his hands.

Maya looked at him curiously. Was he nervous?

She neared him, only to be taken aback when he grabbed her hand.

"What do you want Josh?" She asked more harshly then intended.

Josh ignored her.

"You know that night? You told me you liked me? All those years ago?" Josh asked quietly, staring at the school.

"Yeah?" Maya said slowly.

Josh looked at her suddenly.

"Well I never forgot about it. I've thought about it everyday since that time." He said quickly.

Maya couldn't take it anymore.

Grabbing his face with two hands Maya kisses the boy softly.

He gasped under her touch but soon kissed her back.

He chuckled. "What's three years in the history of love?" He asked quietly.


That afternoon Maya Hart got her wish, she and Josh went on their first date.

But they weren't alone, they all say around and round table.

Lucas and Riley, Farkle and Smackle and to everyone's surprise Zay and Darby.

Everybody laughed, letting the familiar vibe of Topanaga's calm all of their date nerves.

Maya looked at Josh, placing her lips to his once.

"To us." She said holding up her smoothie.

He tapped his glass to hers.

To us.

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