Larkle- Love is Love

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Lucas Friar flopped down on the couch with an almighty thud. He'd just worked at night shift at the animal hospital and it was now 8am.

No 27 year old should have to work this hard. He sighed inwardly to himself.

He closed his eyes and began to smile. Sleep. He told himself.

As if on cue he felt something tugging on the bottom of his jeans.

"Daddy!" The little girl at his feet screeched with excitement.

Lucas laughed and picked his daughter up off of the ground.

"What are you doing up sweetie?" He asked kissing his daughters nose softly.

The little girl giggled and wiped her nose. "Lily no like sleep!" She yelled defiantly, crossing her arms.

Lucas had to laugh, even at the tender age of 2 his daughter was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

He suddenly heard shuffling and a door slam. He heard footsteps running down the hall.

"Lily!" Farkle called worriedly. Lucas smiled, holding his finger up to Lily so she would be quiet and ducking his head so that it looked like no one occupied the chair.

Lily placed her hands over her mouth to contain a giggle.

"Lily Pily daddy is going to be very upset if I've lost you!" Farkle called, his distress clear even though he was trying to fight it.

Lucas poked his head over the lounge chair and noticed Farkle was walking into the kitchen.

He stood, carrying Lily with him and walked into the kitchen, making sure his footsteps didn't creak on the wooden floors of their home.

Lucas held up three fingers to Lily. She nodded softly.

He put one finger down.

And then the other.

With the final finger they both sprung into action.

"Raaaaaaah!" They called, their shouts so loud they echoed off the kitchen walls.

Farkle jumped like he'd been shot. He turned around to face the two trouble makers and laughed.

"Lucas!" He exclaimed excitedly moving over and giving his husband a peck on the lips. They'd only recently gotten married as until now gay marriage was illegal.

"Hey babe." Lucas said happily, kissing his husband again.

Farkle smiled and turned his attention to Lily.

"Where did my Lily Pily run off to?!" He explained using his baby voice.

"Lily no like sleep!" She called pushing on her father's face.

Lucas laughed at Farkle, his cheeks were all scrunched up and as he tried to get away Lily only pinched his cheeks harder.

"What about if we have a sleep with daddy?" Farkle asked looking up at his husband.

Lucas yawned. "I think that's a very good idea!" He exclaimed tickling the little girl tummy.


Lucas and Farkle Friar lied in bed, there daughter lying in the space between them.

She was finally asleep, something Farkle had been trying to get her back to doing since 5am.

"How was work?" Farkle asked stroking Lucas's tired face sympathetically.

"Long." Lucas laughed tiredly, his eyes drooping.

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