Riarkle- Comfort

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Riley sat in her bay window all alone. She cried to herself.

How could this happen?!

How could she let herself be so stupid!?

He used her to get to Maya.

Riley sobbed again, thinking of the school dance;

She had walked into the girls bathroom and seen Maya and Lucas kissing.

"What about Riley?" Lucas had asked breathlessly, not knowing Riley was there.

"I don't care." Maya moaned kissing his neck. He sighed at her touch.

Riley ran out of the room and out of the gym, where the dance was being held.

Farkle had noticed and gone to run after her, but he was dragged away to help with the sound board and couldn't leave.

She lie down on the bay window and cried to herself.

"Riley?" She heard a tentative male voice ask.

She looked up to see Farkle standing on the other side of the window.

She sat up quickly, wiping her eyes.

"Farkle!" She said trying but failing to do her normal Riley voice.

He climbed through the window and sat next to her.

"What happened Riles?" He asked looking down at her dress, she looked beautiful. Her short blue dress highlighting her tan skin and light curves.

Riley swallowed and placed her head softly on Farkle's shoulder. "Lucas and Maya were kissing." She choked on the words, it was unbearably to watch 2 of my 3 favourite people betray her.

She only had one left;

And he was sitting in front of her.

Farkle touched Riley's face, tilting her chin so she looked at him.

"What?" He asked looking at Riley's year filled eyes.

"They were kissing in the girl's bathroom." She cried placing her head in the crook of his neck.

He stroked her hair, feeling the soft waves with his fingers.

"How could he do that?!" She sobbed, he held her tighter knowing he would probably loose his other two friends for what he was about to do.

But all that mattered in that moment was Riley.

He took her face in his hands and looked at her face. Her beautiful eyes were ringed with tears and black lines ran down her face. But non of that mattered to Farkle.

Riley looked back at him, Farkle had gotten really attractive. He wasn't a little boy anymore, he was 16 and girls were beginning to notice.

Riley realised she didn't like that thought very much.

She closed the distance between them and touched her lips to his softly at first.

It wasn't like kissing Lucas;

Kissing Lucas was like being on fire, it was hot and fast and left you breathless.

Kissing Farkle was different;

It was like winter, sweet coco and warm sweaters. It was like cool breezes and snugly fires. Unlike Lucas's kiss it was warm, not hot and it felt better on Riley's lips then she could describe.

After a second Farkle pulled away. "You're not just doing this to get back at Lucas?" Farkle asked nervously, biting his lips that were still tingling from Riley's kiss.

Riley smiled, feeling like a new person. "That makes him happy and this makes me happy. I don't think there's problem, do you?" She asked looking up at him.

He smiled. "No problem." He breathed kissing her again.

That night Riley slept in Farkle's arms, ignoring the frantic tapping on the window she knew was Maya coming to I apologise.

She would forgive her tomorrow, right now all she wanted was to be with Farkle.

She smiled, stroking his chest lazily with her finger.

Farkle Minkus. She thought amused. Who would have thought.

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