Zaya- He doesn't have to know

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"Urgh." Zay sighed audibly, shifting his foot to prevent it from going numb.

They were on a plane, on their way back to Texas after the end of their senior year.

He heard Lucas laugh across the isle.

"Comfortable?" He asked looking on amused as Maya lied practically on top of him.

Zay laughed sarcastically.

"Your girlfriend is like a dead weight, why do I have to sit next to her?" He asked, struggling to move his shoulder away from her head without waking her.

"She wanted a window seat." Lucas laughed.

Farkle leaned over Lucas and looked at Zay struggling, he laughed.

"Having fun Zay?"He chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, everyone thinks it's hilarious." He said, annoyance lacing his voice.

He heard Maya moan.

Her eyes shot open.

"What the hell?!" She pushed Zay away from her.

The boys across from her laughed.

"You were lying on top of me!" Zay exclaimed.

Suddenly they saw Riley's head poke over the top of the chairs in front of them.

"Shhh!" She exclaimed.

"Some of us are trying to sleep." She said, pushing her wild bed hair out of the way.

"Sorry Riles, it's not my fault I was just assaulted." Maya jeered.

Zay laughed incredulously. "I assaulted you?" He bellowed.

"Yep." She said crossing her arms.

Riley smiled, her grimace turning into a laugh. 

"Enjoy the flight Zay." She said, her tone quiet but sarcastic.

She then sat back down, leaving Zay and Maya alone. 

"So-" Zay began an awkward attempt to make conversation.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Maya interrupted, forcefully pushing past Zay before he had the chance.

Maya walked down the isle and disappeared behind the curtain. 

"What did I do?" Zay asked Lucas, his voice laced with annoyance and panic.

"You woke her up," Lucas laughed. 

"You might as well have punched her in the face."  Farkle chimed in. 

"So should I apologise?" Zay demanded.

"Yes." Lucas laughed. 

"NO." Farkle screamed. 

It soon turned into a debate between Lucas and Farkle.

"How much do you value your life?" Farkle spoke.

"If he did value his life he would apologise!" Lucas yelled.

"Enough!" Zay shouted, waking everyone in a 20 meter radius.

"I'm going to go say sorry." He said sternly, getting out of his seat and searching for Maya. 


Maya Hart emerged fro  the bathroom, only to be shocked when she bumped into Zay.

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