A Very Larkle Christmas

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Farkle Friar sat on the edge of his King sized bed, waiting for his husband to walk out of the bathroom door.

He smiled as his husbands beautiful blonde head poked through the door.

Lucas Friar threw the door open with an excited chuckle, he wore and Santa costume and was effectively placing the hat onto his head.

Lucas Friar smiled goofily at his husband; Farkle smiled, despite being what some may conceive as a 'bad boy', Lucas Friar had always loved Christmas.

"How do I look?" Lucas asked happily walking over and pecking his husband in the lips.

Farkle beamed. "Remind me again why you get to be Santa?" Farkle said eying his bare clothing enviously.

"Because you were Santa for Lily's first Christmas.

Lucas made a point; this was their daughter Lily's second Christmas.

Farkle made a face, pulling his husband into another kiss. "Why do you always have to be right?" He said ruefully.

Lucas laughed. "It's why you love me." He said cheekily.

Farkle laughed getting up and placing his husbands hat on the right way.

"You know the drill?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah I'm in and out, ring the bell a couple times, but don't get too close that she knows it's me." Lucas whispered.

It was Christmas Eve, around midnight; the perfect time to deliver the presents into Lily's room before she woke up looking for them at about 3 am.

Ahhh the joys of being a parent. Farkle thought idly.

"Hey how bout you eat the milk and cookies for me babe?" Lucas asked his husband who stared off into space.

"Yeah sure!" Farkle said suddenly, moving into the kitchen and chewing on the chocolate chip cookies the Friar family has made the day before.

Farkle laughed; thinking about Lucas' poor attempt to keep Lily from dipping her fingers in the mixture.

'Pumpkin, there's not going to be any left if you eat it all!' Lucas has exclaimed happily, taking his daughter into his arms.

Lily had giggled and but her gooey hands on either side of Lucas' face.

'COOKIES!' She'd exclaimed.

Farkle chuckled once more, looking up at his husband who carried a sack of presents.

"I'm going in." Lucas mouthed comically to his husband.

Farkle smiled and watched his husband move toward their daughters room.


Lucas Friar slipped into his daughters room feeling giddy, he'd always loved Christmas and Christmas in Texas well;

That was something to behold.

Lucas shut the door silently, creeping carefully over the wooden floor boards of their home.

Lucas looked at his little girl, sleeping peacefully, her bright purple blankie curled into her arms tightly.

He turned to the tree that sat in her room, it was about half the size of a normal tree and about Lily's height.

He placed the girls wrapped toys under the tree carefully.

He turned back to the girl and smiled, she was so beautiful.

"Merry Christmas baby." He whispered before leaving the room, his empty bag in hand.



Lucas Friar awoke to the sound of his little girl screaming happily into the baby monitor.

He looked over at his husband, still sleeping peacefully.

"I got this babe." He whispered kissing his husband on the forehead.

Farkle caught his husbands hand just as he pulled away.

"I am not not opening presents with her." He said sleepily.

Lucas chuckled. "Okay babe." He said gently.

Lucas took his husbands hand and led him into their daughters room.

"Dada!" Lily called again, stretching her hands out to Lucas.

To Lily, Lucas was Dada, Farkle on the other hand was Daddy.

They didn't want to think about what would happen when she got older, but they hoped she would love them enough to understand.

Lucas picked his baby girl up out of her bed. It was what she called 'a big girl bed' with only raised sides to keep her in.

Farkle kissed his baby's forehead. "Merry Christmas baby girl!" He exclaimed.

The little girl grabbed his face in both her hands before giving him a big sloppy kiss on the nose.

Lucas broke into loud guffaws.

"You wanna open some presents baby girl?!" He exclaimed through laughter.

Farkle wiped his nose, laughter bubbling in his chest.

"I think that's a good idea." He said quietly.


"Where's my God baby?!" Riley Mathews squealed excitedly as she entered the house, Charlie Gardener in toe.

"No way! I'm her favourite God mom!" Maya exclaimed running in, holding Zay's hand.

"Hey guys!" Lucas laughed running over and hugging Riley, Maya and Zay.

He'd ever much liked Charlie Gardener but he made Riley happy:

Lucas shook the boys hand.

"There you are gorgeous!" Riley exclaimed running over and grabbing Lily out of Farkle's arms.

Riley hugged her friend with one arm whilst holding her God daughter in the other.

"Mewey Christmwus!" Lily giggled with delight.

Soon everyone joined in.

Farkle smiled up at his husband; all was as it should be.

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