20-What Lies Beneath Words

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AN: I'm finally back ^_^  It has been a very tough year but I'm very happy to be back. I wanted to thank everyone who has been patient with my story , you guys were very supportive xx

Ps: If someone knows any site to make images edit please send it to me because mine doesn't have the right URL. Thank you xx

Frankie P.O.V

''I feel like we're the cheerleaders walking in the hallway'' Mollie looked stunning in that dress but of course her blabbering mouth ditches it all.

''What?'' She Squealed after getting a few giggles from other students.

''Here we are'' Ashley turned to look at us.

''Yes finally'' I mumbled feeling my eyes watering.

''OH GOD'' Mollie blubbered

''Why I feel we're getting very emotional'' I giggled with few tears falling

''Group hug'' Ashley wrapped her arms around us

''My hair''

''You're stepping on my foot''

''My purse , my purse''

We laughed at our silliness. A loud cough caught our attention making us turn around.

''Oh love you look absolutely stunning'' Louis with this over hot suit walking down the hallway.

''Louis-'' I blushed

''Glamorous..'' He kissed my hand never leaving my eyes.

''You're late'' I raised my eyebrow.

''Oh come on sunshine'' He throw his head back

''No'' I shook my head

''He's quoting from your favorite show'' Ashley whooped

''Tell her love'' Louis whinned

I hit his arm as hard as I can ''Ouch'' I received a goofy grin from him knowing he was teasing.

''We're gonna head inside. Bye'' Mollie and Ashley winked and moved away quickly.

''It will be a great 60s party theme considering it's frenzy'' He entwined our hands walking together to the venue.

''Louis it's a normal graduation party'' I rolled my eyes.

''Really!'' A giggle escaped from my mouth ''Why you didn't say that before? I bought this suit after a really hard time to get something fit the 60s''

''I said it but you were too busy with the X Box''

''Baby you're jealous of the X Box'' He teased giving me this too much adorable grin.


''What love?'' He looked at me holding the door knob.

''I-I can't believe I'm falling for you'' I heard my heart beats by his shinning eyes are locked with mine.

Just staring...

''Are you coming in or not?'' This idiot guy received a smug glare from Louis

''Lets go'' My voice came like after a long run and my cheeks hotter than ever.

Maps by Adam Levine was being played and shinny decorative lanters , I realized that I knew most of the people here , It has been a great 4 years for me , with my choices , people I get close to for a year , some for a month , others for more , all that had made me , who I'm now. With hard lessons , fascinating experiences and great people that will always me a good memory.

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