16-Fly Away Love

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Liam P.O.V

''And she liked the gift and we're going on a date this Thusrday'' 

''Really that's great!'' Mollie beamed peeking quickly at me and then on the stove.

''You know it's truely nice to have a friend like you A Girl-Friend'' I sat on the table across the kitchen.

''Yeah I know I'm amazing'' She teased and shrugged.

''Don't be a cheeky , blondy'' We chuckled ''So , what's for dinner?''

We agreed to meet up at my apartment today and likely Molie she suggested cooking dinner. I agreed immediately.

She looks cute in her dotted pink aporn.

''Cheesy baked shells and broccoli pasta , grilled barbecue chicken aaand bocconcini salad'' She swinged singing it ''AND For dessert'' She held her finger up ''Wait for it''

''Chocolate Cherry Brownies'' She whooped making her final move , spining around and bending her knees half bowing giving cheeky grin.

I was stunned a bit , she looked beautifully hyper.

''Whoooo'' I cheered clapping ''stunning blondy''

She blushed and continued cooking.

After 2 hours

''Finaaallyy'' I sat infront of Mollie ''It looks great''

''I hope it also tastes great'' 

I actually started eating ''Mollie you'll be a great wife. The food tastes super''

''Thank you'' She grinned

''Tell me did you finished packing you stuff?'' I asked , her graduation in less than 2 weeks.

''Yup , most of them and tomorrow me , Frankie , Ashely and Eleanor will go shopping for the dresses , El will help us''

''That's great. Zayn will love it''

''Aha we know'' She winked ''I'm thinking to tell Sarah , you know to help her to get out of this hamtaro shell she's in''



''Mollie I'm not stupid , I know what you're talking about'' I protest '' I think you should call her and tell her now''

She was taken back a little ''Really? Like now?''

''Yeah go ahead'' I nodded

She was dailing her number ''Mollie''


''Who're you going with?'' I curiously asked

''Jake'' She answered immediately

I was surprised a little. Truth , I thought she'll ask me.

''Why him'' I cleared my throat to cover my annoyment.

''He didn't have a date and me neither sooo , it just happened'' She shrugged and smiled looking back at her phone.

It was an odd feeling , it was nagging me , why didn't she ask me?



Sarah P.O.V

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