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Mollie P.O.V

I felt my stomach gripes as I glare at the clock striking. Liam texted me and told me we're gonna meet in Londinium at 2. It's 1:15 and he's still in the photoshoot , he told me he's gonna finish 1:35. Minutes passes like hours. I feel so nervous. Frankie emboldened me to go.

I was wearing a yellow top and a neon pink skirt and a pink high heels. I left my hair in loose curls.

Okay I kept reminding myself it's not a date it's just lunch with a friend that I know him only for days.

Good I finished all my task so when I return I can watch Pretty Little Liars , Victorious , Ravenswood and Twisted.

I love watching them online yeah no one judge.

I checked myself in the mirror , took a deep breath , grapped my purse and checked the time 1:30 

Time to go.

All I was thinking about being myself as Frankie told me , if he likes me , he'll like me for who I'm.

I arrived 10 minutes early and found a reservation for Liam Payne , the place wasn't packed.....It's a good sign I think so.

The view is nice , just couples and two famlies I think.

''Hey'' Liam arrived at time.

''Hey'' I grinned 

''You look nice''

''Thanks'' I blushed ''You aren't bad yourself''

''How are you'' He said taking a seat infront of me

''Great'' Can't stop smiling 'Calm Down Mollie' I told myself

''So how was your photoshoot?''

''It was great actually! Thanks for asking means alot'' His decent way always caught my attention '' The photographer was really nice , it turned out to be one of our fans , althought she isn't a teenager , she has two kids , I really like it when a parent love us.'' 

I forgot all the tension and nervous I was feeling , he's easy to talk with and not rude.

''That great'' I grinned ''You guys are fascinating and you deserve the all the sucess you have''

He smiled ''Thank you Mollie this means alot to me-us''

''So do you want to order?''

I noded smiling.

He tipped towards me , holding one menu , so we can choose together.

Our elbows were touching , I was extremely happy. Frankie would make a poker face if she heard what I was happy about. Even hearing myself saying it making me think how stupid it is.

Liam is easygoing when he feels comfortable with the person he's with. Lucky I'm one of those.

I knew about his audition in the X factor every detail , I wasn't even bored a little. He also told me about his parents and his sisters and all those funny moments they shared.

''Oh my god me too they told me to come again when I'm older'' I exclaimed

we were talking about the X factor auditions and seems like we have some things in common.

''Yeah it's strange'' He giggled ''But they were right , I was lucky to meet the lads and at the same time we became more than brothers in a short time''

''Yup'' I bit my lips. ''It's amazing to find those friends who understand you easily''

We looked at each other for some seconds , then he looked back at his plate.

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